Two trains a and B leave at the same time. For the first time, they meet at a distance of 50 meters. For the second time, they meet at a distance of 80 meters

Two trains a and B leave at the same time. For the first time, they meet at a distance of 50 meters. For the second time, they meet at a distance of 80 meters

A and B are 115 meters apart
Although the title is not very clear, I can probably understand it
Let the total length be X. then 50 / x = (2x-80) / (x + 80)
(both cars should have a uniform speed)

A and B start at the same time from AB and run in opposite directions. They meet in 8 hours. A is 10 kilometers faster than B. the speed ratio of the two cars is 7:5. How many meters is the distance between AB and B

Party A and Party B: 10 △ 7-5 x (7 + 5) = 10 △ 2x12 = 60 km / h
Distance 60x8 = 480km

A and B are facing each other. It takes 8 hours for a to complete the whole journey, and 6 hours for B to complete the whole journey. When they meet, they are 25 kilometers away from the destination. How many kilometers is the distance between the two places?

1) When the starting point of a is the end point, it is 175 / 3 = 58.3 km
2) B starting point for the end, it is 43.75 km

The two trains run from AB to ab at the same time. The express train runs 80 kilometers per hour, the local train 60 kilometers per hour, and they meet at a distance of 50 kilometers from the destination,
How many kilometers is the distance between a and B?

Should it be the midpoint?
When we meet, the express train runs 50 × 2 = 100 km more than the local train
Encounter time = 100 △ 80-60 = 100 △ 20 = 5 (hours)
Distance between a and B = (80 + 60) × 5 = 140 × 5 = 700 (km)