The distance between AB and B is 569 km. The two vehicles run from each other at the same time. Vehicle a runs 61 km per hour and vehicle B 65 km per hour After one hour's delay in repair, car a continued to drive and met car B. how many hours did it take from starting to meeting?

The distance between AB and B is 569 km. The two vehicles run from each other at the same time. Vehicle a runs 61 km per hour and vehicle B 65 km per hour After one hour's delay in repair, car a continued to drive and met car B. how many hours did it take from starting to meeting?

(569-65 × 1) / (61 + 65) + 1 = 5 hours

Car a and car B travel from a and B, which are 250 kilometers apart. Car a travels 60 kilometers per hour and car B 65 kilometers per hour. They return immediately after arriving at a and B, and they meet for the second time on the way back a few hours later?

A: six hours later, they met for the second time on their way back

Car a and car B run from a and B, 400km apart. Car a starts at 8:40 a.m., 60km an hour, and car B runs 65km an hour. When does car B start when they meet at 1:10 p.m?

From 8:40 a.m. to 1:10 p.m., it takes 4.5 hours. (400-60 × 4.5) △ 65 = (400-270) △ 65 = 130 △ 65 = 2 (hours). 1:10 p.m. is 13:10, so the departure time of car B is 11:10. A: car B starts at 11:10

Car a travels 40 kilometers per hour, and car B travels 60 kilometers per hour. The two cars start from a and B at the same time and go opposite each other. At 3 o'clock after meeting, car a arrives at B. find the distance between a and B

A: the distance between a and B is 200 km