The speed of car a is 56 kilometers per hour, and that of car B is 48 kilometers per hour. Today, the two counties are facing each other. Car B starts 1.5 hours earlier. If it is at the middle point of the whole journey If you meet car a 26 kilometers beyond the midpoint of the whole journey, how many kilometers is the total length of the highway between the two counties?

The speed of car a is 56 kilometers per hour, and that of car B is 48 kilometers per hour. Today, the two counties are facing each other. Car B starts 1.5 hours earlier. If it is at the middle point of the whole journey If you meet car a 26 kilometers beyond the midpoint of the whole journey, how many kilometers is the total length of the highway between the two counties?

=332 km

The two cars start from a and B at the same time. Car a runs 56 kilometers per hour. The speed ratio of car a and car B is 4:3. The two cars meet at 28 kilometers from the midpoint
How many kilometers is the distance between the two places?

B speed = 56 × 3 △ 4 = 42 km / h;
Time = 28 × 2 ^ (56-42) = 56 ^ 14 = 4 hours;
Actual distance = 4 × (56 + 28) = 4 × 84 = 336 km;

1. A and B drive from the East and west at the same time. Car a travels 56 kilometers per hour and B 48 kilometers per hour. The two cars meet at 32 kilometers away from the midpoint. How many meters is the distance between the East and the west
2. In a math test, the average score of the whole class is 91.2. There are 21 girls, 92 points on average, and 90 points on average for boys. How many boys are there in this class
3. Zhonghua school bought 456 history and geography books, science and technology books and literature and art books. In fact, science and technology books are 1.2 times as many as history and geography books, and literature and art books are 31 more than science and technology books. How many of the three books were bought

The two cars run 56 kilometers per hour and the other 48 kilometers per hour. The two cars meet at 32 kilometers away from the midpoint. How many meters (32X2) / (56-48) x (56 + 48) = 832 (meters) are there between the East and the west

A and B leave AB at 100 km / h and 58 km / h respectively. When they meet on the way, a travels 420 km more than B,
When will the two cars meet and how many kilometers are there between them?

420 (100-58) = 10
The two cars met after 10 o'clock
10 × (100 + 58) = 1580 km
The distance between the two places is 1580 km