The two trains leave from a and B at the same time. Car a runs 110 kilometers per hour, while car B runs 95 kilometers per hour. When they were 17 hours old, they met, The distance between a and B is () km

The two trains leave from a and B at the same time. Car a runs 110 kilometers per hour, while car B runs 95 kilometers per hour. When they were 17 hours old, they met, The distance between a and B is () km

=3485 km
A: the distance between a and B is (3485) kilometers

The distance between station a and station B is 360 km. The two trains leave each other at the same time. After two and five minutes and two hours, they meet. When they meet, the distance ratio of the two trains is 7:8
How many kilometers do the two trains travel per hour
To solve by proportion

2 and 2 / 5 hours = 2.4 hours
Speed sum = 360 △ 2.4 = 150 km / h
One train travels x kilometers per hour and the other 150-x kilometers per hour