The speed ratio of train a and B is 5 / 4. Train B starts first and goes from station B to station A. when it is 72 km away from station B, train a goes from station a to station B and there are two trains on fire The distance ratio between a and B is 3 / 4, so how many kilometers is the distance between a and B?

The speed ratio of train a and B is 5 / 4. Train B starts first and goes from station B to station A. when it is 72 km away from station B, train a goes from station a to station B and there are two trains on fire The distance ratio between a and B is 3 / 4, so how many kilometers is the distance between a and B?


The two trains leave 294km apart from each other at the same time. Car a runs 46km per hour and car B runs 52km per hour. After a few hours, the two trains meet

294 / (46 + 52) = 3 hours
Let's meet in X hours

A and B start from a and B at the same time, and go opposite each other. A starts 15 minutes earlier than B. B's speed is 1.5 times of a's. When a meets a, a walks 6 kilometers less. Given that B has walked 1.5 hours, what's the speed of a and B?

Car B walked for 1.5 hours, because car a started 15 minutes earlier than car B = 0.25 hours, so car a walked for 1.5 + 0.25 = 1.75 hours
If the speed of car a is V, the speed of car B is 1.5V
Distance of vehicle B to vehicle a when meeting = 6 km
The speed of a is 12 km / h
Speed of vehicle B = 1.5V = 18km / h

A and B two cars from a, B two opposite, a car than B car started 15 minutes earlier, a, B two car speed ratio is 2:3, meet, a than B less walk 6 km, B walk 1 hour 30 minutes, find a and B speed and distance between two places!

Let the velocity of a be x and the velocity of B be y
There is x / y = 2 / 3
Find x = 12, y = 18
The speed of a is 12km / h, and that of B is 18km / h. The distance between the two places is 48km