A and B two cars from 1313km away from each other at the same time, three hours, but also 707km away, after a few hours, the two cars meet?

A and B two cars from 1313km away from each other at the same time, three hours, but also 707km away, after a few hours, the two cars meet?

3.5 hours

The two trains run 1313km from each other at the same time, and the distance between the two places is 707km after three hours. After a few hours, the two trains meet each other, so we need to solve the equation instead of solving the equation

1313÷[(1303-707)÷ 3]-3=

Three hours later, the distance between the two trains is 707km. After a few hours, the distance between the two trains is 707km?

=7 hours

A and B two trains from 1160 kilometers away from each other at the same time, after 10 hours meet, known two speed ratio is 15:14, find a car speed?

Speed sum = 1160 / 10 = 116km / h
Speed of car a = 116 × 15 / (15 + 14) = 60 km / h