A car goes back and forth along a north-south road. One morning, it starts from place a and finally arrives at place B in the evening. It is agreed that north is the positive direction, The driving records of the day are as follows (unit: km):   +18 ,-9 ,+7 ,-14 ,-6 ,+13 ,-7 ,-8 Please answer the following questions according to the calculation: (1) where is B and how many kilometers away is a? (2) if the fuel consumption is 3.5l/km, how much fuel is consumed in this day?

A car goes back and forth along a north-south road. One morning, it starts from place a and finally arrives at place B in the evening. It is agreed that north is the positive direction, The driving records of the day are as follows (unit: km):   +18 ,-9 ,+7 ,-14 ,-6 ,+13 ,-7 ,-8 Please answer the following questions according to the calculation: (1) where is B and how many kilometers away is a? (2) if the fuel consumption is 3.5l/km, how much fuel is consumed in this day?

(1) + 18 + (- 9) + 7 + (- 14) + (- 6) + 13 + (- 7) + (- 8) = - 6B is in the south of place a, 6 kilometers away. (2) | + 18 | + | - 9 | + | + 7 | + | - 14 | + | - 6 | + | + 13 | + | - 7 | + | - 8 | = 82 (km) 3.5 × 82 = 287 (L) (other people don't want to estimate, but I come to answer the question, it's very hard, please put "red

One morning, we set out from place a and arrive at place B in the evening. It is agreed that north is positive and south is negative
The records of that day are as follows: unit: km - 18.3, - 9.5, + 7.1, - 14, - 6.2, + 13, - 6.8, - 8.5. If the car consumes 0.2 liters of fuel per km, how many liters of fuel does it consume in this day? I calculated that it is 16:00, wrong, others calculated that more than 200 is right, strange,
It's 16

Believe in yourself! I wish: every day up ~ - 43.2 (means to reach the destination is 43.2 meters in the south, is - 18.3, - 9.5, + 7.1, - 14, - 6.2, + 13, - 6.8, - 8.5 these figures add up) 18.3 + 9.5 + 7.1 + 14 + 6.2 + 13 + 6.8 + 8.5 = 83.4 (km) this is the total driving distance of 83.4 × 0.2