The distance between the two places is 480 km. The two vehicles leave each other at the same time and meet in 3 hours. The speed ratio of the two vehicles is 9:7 How many kilometers did a walk? (answer as soon as possible)

The distance between the two places is 480 km. The two vehicles leave each other at the same time and meet in 3 hours. The speed ratio of the two vehicles is 9:7 How many kilometers did a walk? (answer as soon as possible)


Two cars a and B leave 324km away from each other at the same time and meet on the way three hours later. It is known that the speed of car a is four fifths of that of car B
It's today,

1. Speed sum of a and B = 324 △ 3 = 108 km / h
The speed of car a is four fifths of that of car B, that is, the speed ratio of car a to car B is 4 ∶ 5
The speed of a accounted for 4 / 9 of the total, and the speed of B accounted for 5 / 9
Speed of B = 108 × 5 / 9 = 60 km / h
Synthesis formula
=60 km / h
2. Let B's speed be x km / h

The distance between a and B is 480 kilometers. AB and ab are going to meet each other in 6 hours. We know that the speed ratio of AB and ab is 9:7. What's the speed ratio of AB and ab?

Car a speed 5 × 9 = 45
B two car speed 5 × 7 = 35

The distance between a and B is 480km. Two cars a and B start from two places at the same time and run in opposite directions. They meet in six hours. The speed of a and B is known
The ratio is 9:7. What is the speed of a and B?

Speed sum: 480 △ 6 = 80 (km / h)
Speed of car a: 80 ÷ (9 + 7) x9 = 45 (km / h)
Speed of car B: 80-45 = 35 (km / h))