Two cars a and B are driving on the straight road. The passengers in car a see car B moving southward. The passengers in one car see car a and trees moving southward The correct statement is that a and B may both move southward, B and B may both move northward, C and a move northward, B move southward, D and a move southward, B move northward

Two cars a and B are driving on the straight road. The passengers in car a see car B moving southward. The passengers in one car see car a and trees moving southward The correct statement is that a and B may both move southward, B and B may both move northward, C and a move northward, B move southward, D and a move southward, B move northward

If we only take a one-sided view, there will be mistakes as follows:
Classified discussion
Two vehicles in the same direction:
1: Heading north in the same direction;
Because the passengers of car a see car B moving southward, so car a is faster than car B
Because the passengers of B car see that a car and trees are moving southward, they can get B faster than a, which is inconsistent
2 heading south
Because the passengers of car a see car B moving southward, so car a is slower than car B
Because the passengers of B car see that a car and trees are moving southward, B is slower than a, which is inconsistent
Two cars in different directions:
1 a North B South
The passengers of car a see that car B is moving south, and car B is moving south
Because the passengers of car B saw that car a and the trees were moving southward, it was not consistent with the assumption that either the two cars were in the same direction or car a was driving southward
2 a South B North
The passengers of car a see that car B is moving southward, which shows that car a is faster than car B, which can only be faster than car B in the same direction, which is inconsistent with the assumption
To sum up, this error is due to the wrong understanding of the sentence "passengers on car B see that car a and trees are moving southward". The implied meaning of this sentence is that when car B looks at car a, it takes the trees as the reference object, and car a must drive southward. Then, from the question "passengers on car a see that car B is moving southward", it shows that car a is slower than car B, so the final conclusion is: both cars are driving southward, And car a is slower than car B

A and B are driving on a straight road. The passengers of a see that B is moving southward. The passengers of B see that a and trees are moving northward
A. both a and B may move southward. B. car a moves northward while car B moves southward. Why can't you choose B?

Maybe the answer is wrong? I can't think of any reason You can ask your teacher

A, B two cars running on the straight road, a car passengers see B car moving north
If the passengers of car B see that car a and trees are moving southward, the following statement is correct: A. car a and car B may both move southward; B. car a and car B may both move northward; C. car a moves northward; car B moves southward; D. car a must be moving southward; car B must be moving northward WHY.THANKS !

B. Both vehicles may move northward
Because the passengers on bus B saw the trees moving southward, so bus B must be moving northward
The passengers on car a see that car B is moving northward, and the passengers on car B see that car a is moving southward. Even so, car a may not move southward. When car a is slower than car B, even if both cars are moving northward, the above phenomenon will occur

A and B cars are driving on the highway. The passengers of a car see B car moving southward. The passengers of B car see a car moving southward

South, parallel drive