The distance between a and B is 960 km, and a car can travel 240 km in 4 hours. According to this number of degrees, it will take several hours for the car to reach B

The distance between a and B is 960 km, and a car can travel 240 km in 4 hours. According to this number of degrees, it will take several hours for the car to reach B

Speed = 240 △ 4 = 60 km / h
(960-240) / 60 = 12 hours

If someone travels 50 kilometers per hour from a to B and 20% more per hour when he returns, how many kilometers are there from a to B

Return speed = 50 × (1 + 20%) = 60 km / h
Time ratio of round trip = 60:50 = 6:5
Distance between Party A and Party B = 50 × [11 ÷ (6 + 5) × 6] = 50 × 6 = 300 km