Car a travels 95 kilometers per hour, car B travels 75 kilometers per hour, starts at the same time, and meets in 3.2 hours. How long is the road?

Car a travels 95 kilometers per hour, car B travels 75 kilometers per hour, starts at the same time, and meets in 3.2 hours. How long is the road?

(95 + 75) x3.2 = 170x3.2 = 544km
A: the total length is 544 km

The highway between a and B is 1262km long. Two cars start from a and B at the same time and travel in opposite directions. They travel 120km and 95km per hour respectively. After a few hours, the two cars meet? (the number obtained keeps the whole number)

1262 (120 + 95) = 1262 (215) 6 (hours) a: after about 6 hours, the two cars meet

On a map with a scale of 1:3000000, it is measured that the highway built between Party A and Party B is 14cm long, and a car travels from Party A to Party B for 7 hours, with an average of 1 hour
Travel several thousand meters

S should be converted into km, 14 × 3000000 △ 100 (to m) 000 (to km) = 420 km
I don't need to talk about it later. Pay attention to zero when s is changed. Don't count it wrong

A car starts from place a, travels 45 kilometers per hour, and reaches place B in 4 hours. If it travels 60 kilometers per hour, how many hours can it reach place B? (solve by proportion)

Suppose x hours can reach B, then: 60x = 45 × 460x = 180 & nbsp; X = 3 answer: 3 hours can reach B