A car at 45 kilometers per hour from a to B, 3 hours a journey of 57, how many kilometers does the car have to travel to reach B?

A car at 45 kilometers per hour from a to B, 3 hours a journey of 57, how many kilometers does the car have to travel to reach B?

45 × 3 ÷ 57-45 × 3 = 189-135, = 54 (km). A: it will take 54 km for this car to reach the second place

It took a car three hours to travel from place a to place B. the ratio of the distance traveled to the whole journey was 2:3. At this time, it was just 45 kilometers above the midpoint of place a and place B,
How many kilometers is the distance between a and B? Write the process! Thank you!

If the total distance is 1, the distance traveled is 2 / 3, and the distance traveled is equal to half of the total distance + 45 = 1 / 2 + 45
Therefore, it is listed as follows:
45 ÷ (2 / 3-1 / 2) = 270 km

It took a car three hours to travel from place a to place B. the ratio of the distance traveled to the whole distance is 2:3. At this time, it just exceeds 45 kilometers from the midpoint of the two places. How many kilometers is the distance between the two places?
[don't solve the equation, but write it clearly with each step]

=270 km

A car from a to B, 3 hours travel distance and the whole ratio is 1:3, if another 45 kilometers, just to reach the midpoint of a and B, a and B how many kilometers apart?

12 − 13 = 16, 45 △ 16 = 270 km. A: the distance between a and B is 270 km