A car from a to B, the first hour line 14, the second hour line 518, two hours line 114 kilometers. How many kilometers between a and B?

A car from a to B, the first hour line 14, the second hour line 518, two hours line 114 kilometers. How many kilometers between a and B?

A: the distance between a and B is 216 km

A car from a to B, the first hour of the whole line 1 / 4, the second hour of the whole line 5 / 18, two hours of 114 kilometers, thousands of meters in length


How long is the 114 km highway from the first hour to the second hour

Total length: 114 △ 1 / 4 + 5 / 18 = 114 △ 19 / 26 = 216 km

A car drives from a to B. on the first day, it takes 1 / 5 of the whole journey, wakes up 100 kilometers the next day, and has 7 / 15 of the whole journey left. How long is the whole journey

Total length:
100 ÷ (1-5 / 1-15 / 7)
=100 △ 1 / 3
=300 km
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