The walking speed of a, B and C is 30 meters, 40 meters and 50 meters per minute respectively. A, B, B and C face each other at the same time. C meets B, B and a in 2.5 minutes. How many times does a and B meet In 30 minutes, I hope to get the answer, not the equation How many meters is the distance between a and B

The walking speed of a, B and C is 30 meters, 40 meters and 50 meters per minute respectively. A, B, B and C face each other at the same time. C meets B, B and a in 2.5 minutes. How many times does a and B meet In 30 minutes, I hope to get the answer, not the equation How many meters is the distance between a and B

You can think like this:
In the last 2.5 minutes, a and C walked a total of 2.5 * (30 + 50) = 200 meters, which means that when B and c met, C walked 200 meters more than B;
Then the meeting time of B and C is 200 / (50-40) = 20 minutes;
Then the distance between the two places is 20 * (50 + 40) = 1800 meters;
To sum up, 2.5 * (30 + 50) / (50-40) * (50 + 40) = 1800 meters

The speed of a, B and C is 30 meters per minute. A and B are in the same place as a, C is in the same place as B. at the same time, C is opposite to B for 10 minutes
Meet, when C and a meet, B from B how many meters?

The speed of a, B and C is equal. A and B start from the same place and direction at the same time. Why don't they meet C at the same time? Is the description accurate and complete

The speed of a, B and C is 30, 40 and 50 meters per minute respectively. A and B are in place a, C is in place B. B and C are facing each other at the same time. C meets B 10 minutes later. How many meters is the distance between AB and a?

(30 + 50) × [(50 × 10 + 40 × 10) / (40-30)], = 80 × 90, = 7200 (m); answer: the distance between a and B is 7200 M