The walking speed of a, B and C is 200 meters per minute, 225 meters per minute and 250 meters per minute. A, B and C are facing each other from a and B at the same time, How many kilometers is the distance between AB and a? (250 + 200) * 10 / (225-200) = 180 (min) (250 + 225) * 180 = 85500 (m) = 85.5 (km)

The walking speed of a, B and C is 200 meters per minute, 225 meters per minute and 250 meters per minute. A, B and C are facing each other from a and B at the same time, How many kilometers is the distance between AB and a? (250 + 200) * 10 / (225-200) = 180 (min) (250 + 225) * 180 = 85500 (m) = 85.5 (km)

The distance between Party A and Party C can be calculated when Party C meets Party B 10 minutes later
How long does it take B to drop a so much
4500 / (225-200) = 180 (min)
That is to say, B has been walking for such a long time and met C, so: the distance b takes + the distance C takes is the whole journey
225 * 180 + 250 * 180 = 85500 (m)

Party A and Party B set out from ab at the same time, and they met after 3 hours. The distance between the two places was 24 km, and the speed ratio was 2:3
Ask two people to walk thousands of meters per hour
. just learned 1 yuan once

Let a travel x km per hour, and B travel 3x / 2km per hour
Get: (x + 3x / 2) * 3 + 24
If x = 3.2, then B can travel 4.8 km per hour
A: a travels 3.2 kilometers per hour, B 4.8 kilometers per hour

B's speed is 23 times of a's. two people set out from a and B at the same time. If they walk in opposite directions for one hour, how many hours does it take a to catch up with B?

(2 + 3) / (3-2), = 5 / 1, = 5 (hours); a: if you go in the same direction, it takes 5 hours for a to catch up with B

B's speed is 23 times of a's. two people set out from a and B at the same time. If they walk in opposite directions for one hour, how many hours does it take a to catch up with B?

(2 + 3) / (3-2), = 5 / 1, = 5 (hours); a: if you go in the same direction, it takes 5 hours for a to catch up with B