Party A and Party B set out from ab at the same time and went opposite each other. They met three hours later. Then they both continued to move forward at the same speed. As a result, Party A reached B, which was better than Party B

Party A and Party B set out from ab at the same time and went opposite each other. They met three hours later. Then they both continued to move forward at the same speed. As a result, Party A reached B, which was better than Party B

The distance between Party A and Party B is s. according to the meaning of the question, s = 3 * (x + X + 1) and S / x = s / (x + 1) + 1 + (21 / 60), solving the equations, x = 4 or x = - 1.8 (rounding off the negative number), so Party B walks 4km per hour and Party A walks 5km per hour

Party A and Party B were walking towards each other from the two places of AB respectively. After meeting for 4 hours, they continued to move forward at the original speed and walked for another 3 hours,
A to B, B from a there are 70 kilometers, seek the speed of two people

After 4 hours of meeting, he continued to move forward at the original speed, and went on for another 3 hours,
When meeting, a walks 4 / (3 + 4) = 4 / 7
B walk 3 / 7
So the speed ratio is 4:3
The distance ratio is 4:3
AB distance 70x4 △ 4-3 = 280km
A speed 280 / 7 = 40 km / h
B speed 30 km / h