A. B is 36 kilometers away. A walks from a to B, and B walks from B to a. the two start at the same time. Four hours later, they meet And the speed of a is twice that of B. what are the speeds of a and B?

A. B is 36 kilometers away. A walks from a to B, and B walks from B to a. the two start at the same time. Four hours later, they meet And the speed of a is twice that of B. what are the speeds of a and B?

36/4=9 9/(2+1)=3 9-3=6

A. B is 36 kilometers away. Two people walk. A goes from a to B, and B goes from B to A. they start at the same time and face each other. They meet 4 hours later,
If you travel for six hours, the distance left by a is three times that of B,

Let the velocities of a and B be x and Y respectively
X=2 Y=7
In the future, reward points should be given appropriately, otherwise no one will calculate the problem for you,

A. The distance between two places is 36 kilometers. A starts from a and walks to B, B starts from B and walks to A. two people start at the same time and meet each other 4 hours later. After 6 hours, the rest distance of a is twice that of B. find the speed of two people

Let a's velocity be x km / h and B's velocity be y km / h. from the question meaning: 4 (x + y) = 36 (36-6x) = 2 (36-6y), the solution is: x = 4Y = 5 A: A's velocity is 4 km / h and B's velocity is 5 km / h