The two cars run 52km / h and 45km / h from a and B. the two cars meet at 21km from the midpoint How many kilometers is the distance between the two places?

The two cars run 52km / h and 45km / h from a and B. the two cars meet at 21km from the midpoint How many kilometers is the distance between the two places?

A drives 52-45 = 7K more per hour than B, and the two cars meet at 21km away from the midpoint, which means that a drives 21 * 2 = 42km more than B, and the driving time is 42 / 7 = 6h
AB distance between two places = (52 + 45) * 6 = 582km

A and B vehicles run from two places at the same time, 45km / h for a vehicle and 42km / h for B vehicle
The two cars meet at 12 kilometers from the midpoint. How many hours after they leave?

Distance difference between the two vehicles: 12 × 2 = 24 km
Speed difference between two vehicles: 45-42 = 3km
Meeting time: 24 △ 3 = 8 hours
=8 (hours)

Car a travels 45km per hour, while car B travels 42km per hour. The two cars meet at 12km away from the two places and meet after () hours

Hypothesis: the distance between the two places is x, after t hours a and B meet
45t+42t=x (1)
45t=x/2+12 (2)
42t=x/2-12 (3)
From (2) and (3), t = 8h;
It can be obtained from (1): x = 696km