The distance between a and B is 1500 meters. A is 65 meters per minute. The two cars meet in 10 minutes. If a and B are facing each other at the same time, how many meters per minute does B travel?

The distance between a and B is 1500 meters. A is 65 meters per minute. The two cars meet in 10 minutes. If a and B are facing each other at the same time, how many meters per minute does B travel?

Or 1500 / 10-65 = 85

If they set out at the same time, if B sets out 10 minutes earlier than a, then 20 minutes after a sets out
If they set out at the same time, they will meet each other in 24 minutes. If B sets out 10 minutes earlier than a, they will meet each other in 20 minutes after a sets out, so as to find out the time required for two people to travel between a and B
It must be solved by quadratic equation of two variables! The time required for two people to walk a and B is changed to the time required for Party A and Party B to complete the AB section

Suppose that a's velocity is x, B's velocity is y, and the distance between two places is Z, then: (x + y) * 24 = Z (a) 10 * y + (x + y) * 20 = Z (b) take formula A-B to get: (x + y) * 4-10y = 0, so 2 * x = 3 * y is substituted into formula A to get: ((3 * y + 2 * y) / 2) * 24 = Z, that is: 60 * y = Z, so it takes 60 minutes for B to complete the whole journey

It takes 16 minutes for a and 24 minutes for B. If b starts 2 minutes earlier than a, then a will still meet
It takes 16 minutes for a and 24 minutes for B. If b starts 2 minutes earlier than a, then a still travels 120 meters more than B when they meet. How many meters is the whole journey between a and B?

B started 2 minutes earlier than a. the whole journey was 1 / 24x2 = 1 / 12
Meeting time of Party A and Party B (1-1 / 12) / (1 / 16 + 1 / 24) = 11 / 12 / 5 / 48 = 44 / 5
At this time, a left 1 / 16x44 / 5 = 11 / 20
B went 1-11 / 20 = 9 / 20
The whole course is 120 ÷ (11 / 20-9 / 20) = 120 ÷ 1 / 10 = 1200 meters

If they set out at the same time, they will meet 24 minutes later. If B sets out 10 minutes earlier than a, they will meet 20 minutes later. How long does it take for a and B to complete the AB section?
Using binary linear equations to solve

Let a be x, B be y, and the distance be 1
Then the velocity is 1 / x 1 / y
If x = 2Y / 3, then y = 60, x = 40