Party A and Party B walk from two places at the same time. If they walk 20 meters more every minute, it only takes 8 minutes. How many meters is the distance between the two places

Party A and Party B walk from two places at the same time. If they walk 20 meters more every minute, it only takes 8 minutes. How many meters is the distance between the two places

=1600 M

Xiaojun and Xiaoying start from the school at the same time and follow the same road to the children's palace. Xiaojun travels 70 meters per minute and Xiaoying 60 meters per minute. Ten minutes later, Xiaojun arrives at the children's palace. At this time, how many meters is Xiaoying away from the children's palace,

70×10_ 60×10=100

As shown in the picture, Li Fang and Zhang Ming start from the same place of the round field and walk along the edge of the field. After 10 minutes, they meet. Li Fang walks 72 meters per minute and Zhang Ming walks 85 meters per minute. (1) what is the diameter of the round field? (2) How many square meters does it cover?

(1) (72 + 85) × 10 ﹣ 3.14, = 157 × 10 ﹣ 3.14, = 1570 ﹣ 3.14, = 500 (m), answer: the diameter of this round field is 500 m; (2) (500 ﹣ 2) 2 × 3.14, = 2502 × 3.14, = 62500 × 3.14, = 196250 (M2), answer: its floor area is 196250 m2

Xiaojun and Xiaoming are traveling from a and B at the same time. They meet in 6 hours. When they meet, Xiaoming travels 8 / 15. It is known that Xiaojun is 3 / 4 slower than Xiaoming every hour
How many kilometers are there between a and B?

Xiaoming's speed is 8:15, so Xiaojun's speed is 3 / 4 km / h, so Xiaojun's speed is 3 / 4 × 7 = 21 / 4 km / h, Xiaoming's speed is 3 / 4 × 8 = 24 / 4