The two cars run from both places at the same time. When car a runs 164km, it meets car B. This is that car a is 15km away from the center point, and car B runs 48.5km per hour How many hours did car B travel when they met?

The two cars run from both places at the same time. When car a runs 164km, it meets car B. This is that car a is 15km away from the center point, and car B runs 48.5km per hour How many hours did car B travel when they met?

When we met, car B ran for 4 hours
Total distance = (164 + 15) * 2 = 358
Distance of vehicle B = 358-164 = 194km
Driving time of vehicle B = 194 / 48.5 = 4 hours

When car a and car B travel from a and B at the same time, it takes 20 o'clock for car a to complete the whole journey. When car a reaches 1 / 4 of the whole journey, car B runs 1 / 5 of the whole journey
Find the distance between a and B
A and B cars travel from a and B at the same time. It takes 20 hours for a car to complete the whole journey, and B car travels 50 kilometers per hour. When a car reaches 1 / 4 of the whole journey, B car travels 1 / 5 of the whole journey, so as to find the distance between a and B.

If the distance ratio is 1 / 4:1 / 5 = 5:4, the speed ratio is 5:4
Speed B: 1 / 20 × 4 / 5 = 1 / 25
Meeting time: 1 ÷ (1 / 20 + 1 / 25) = 12 hours
The distance between a and B must be known,
There are no conditions for this problem
A speed: 50 △ 4 × 5 = 62.5km
Distance between the two places: (50 + 62.5) × 12 = 1350 km

It is known that car a uses 1.5 hours more than car B to complete the whole journey. Car a travels 40 kilometers per hour and car B 50 kilometers per hour
It is known that car a uses 1.5 hours more than car B to complete the whole journey. Car a travels 40 kilometers per hour and car B travels 50 kilometers per hour. How long does it take for two cars to leave

Should it be the distance between the two places?
Suppose the distance between the two places is x, then x / 40-x / 50 = 1.5, x = 300 km
If you ask questions later, write them all down, otherwise you can only guess

It is known that car a takes 1.5 hours more to complete the whole journey than car B. car a travels 40 kilometers per hour and car B travels 50 kilometers per hour______ The two cars met in two hours

Suppose the distance between the two places is x kilometers, according to the meaning of the question, X40 − X50 = 1.5 & nbsp; & nbsp; 5x-4x = 1.5 × 200 & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; X = 300300 (40 + 50) = 300 (90) = 313 (hours) a: the two cars meet 313 hours after departure