An engineering team plans to build 6 km of road in 10 days. After 1.2 km is completed two days before the construction, the plan changes, and it is ready to complete the road construction task two days in advance A team plans to build 6 kilometers of roads in 10 days, and 1.2 kilometers were built two days before the construction. Change the plan and prepare to complete it two days ahead of time. How many kilometers of roads will be built every day in the future? Use the inequality to solve the problem

An engineering team plans to build 6 km of road in 10 days. After 1.2 km is completed two days before the construction, the plan changes, and it is ready to complete the road construction task two days in advance A team plans to build 6 kilometers of roads in 10 days, and 1.2 kilometers were built two days before the construction. Change the plan and prepare to complete it two days ahead of time. How many kilometers of roads will be built every day in the future? Use the inequality to solve the problem

After that, at least x kilometers of roads should be built every day
Then: (6-1.2) / x > = (10-2) - 2
A: in the future, at least 0.8 km of road should be built every day to complete the task 2 days in advance

Party A and Party B build roads from both ends of the 4400 meter long road at the same time. They complete the task in eight days. The number of meters that Party A builds every day is twice that of Party B. how many meters does Party B build every day?

A: B repairs 18313 meters every day

Party A and Party B work together to repair 38 kilometers of highway, which is planned to be completed in five days. If Party A repairs 3.5 kilometers every day, how many kilometers does Party B repair every day

Daily repair 38 △ 5 = 7.6km
So B repairs 7.6-3.5 kilometers a day = 4.1 kilometers