If the road repair team repairs a road, Party A and Party B will complete the repair in 20 days. If it takes 30 days for Party A to complete the repair alone, how many days will it take for Party B to complete the repair alone?

If the road repair team repairs a road, Party A and Party B will complete the repair in 20 days. If it takes 30 days for Party A to complete the repair alone, how many days will it take for Party B to complete the repair alone?

Party A and Party B repair 1 / 20 every day
A solo repair 1 / 30 a day
Then Party B will do it alone every day: 1 / 20-1 / 30 = 1 / 60
Therefore, it takes 60 days for B to repair alone

A road repair team can repair a road in 20 days. If it takes 30 days for Party A to repair the road alone, how many days will it take for Party B to repair the road alone?

1 / 20-1 / 30 = 1 / 60 1 (/ 1 / 60) = 60 days

The number of students in class 61 is 1 / 10 more than that in class 62. If two students are transferred from class 61 to class 62, then the number of students in the two classes is equal. How many students are there in each class?
Be careful,

I don't know if you have learned to solve the problem with the unknown number X. this problem is solved with the unknown number. The first step is to set the unknown number and the number of class 62 as X, then the number of class 61 is (1 + 1 / 10) x = 1.1x. The second step is to find the equivalent relationship. According to the meaning of the problem, the number of class 1 minus 2 is equal to the number of class 2 plus 2