A road is 1870 meters long. The two engineering teams a and B start to build the road from north to south. Team a builds 35 meters a day, team B builds 55 meters a day, and team a builds 2 meters first Two days later, Party A and Party B will work together to complete the project. How many days will it take to complete the project

A road is 1870 meters long. The two engineering teams a and B start to build the road from north to south. Team a builds 35 meters a day, team B builds 55 meters a day, and team a builds 2 meters first Two days later, Party A and Party B will work together to complete the project. How many days will it take to complete the project

Let a repair X days, B repair y days
Substituting one form into two, we get 35 * (y + 2) + 55Y = 1870
So it took 22 days

Team a and team B build one road each. Team a builds 175 meters of road every day and takes 16 days to complete the first road; Team B builds 180 meters every day and takes 15 days to complete
The second highway. What's the difference in length between the two highways?

Length of the first one: 175 × 16 = 2800m
Second length: 180 × 15 = 2700m
The first is longer than the second: 2800-2700 = 100m

An engineering team builds a road, a meter a day, for M days; the remaining N days, B meters a day, how many meters a day
