The two engineering teams a and B built 360 meters together. The length ratio of the two teams a and B is 5 to 4. How many meters did a build more than B?

The two engineering teams a and B built 360 meters together. The length ratio of the two teams a and B is 5 to 4. How many meters did a build more than B?

40 meters

The task of team a is one fourth more than that of team B. Team B builds 20 kilometers a day
Two road repair teams build a road. The task of team a is one fourth more than that of team B. Team B builds 20 kilometers a day, and team a builds 30 kilometers a day. A few days later, team a just finished the task, and team B has 20 kilometers left to build. How many kilometers is the road in total?

I'll use the equation to solve it~
If a certain number of days are set as X days, team a has built 30x kilometers and team B has built (20x + 20) kilometers
The equation is: 30x = (1 + 1 / 4) (20x + 20)
The solution is: x = 5
The total length of this road is: 30x + 20x + 20 = 270 km

Team a and team B build the same road. Team a builds 5600 meters in 8 days and team B 3000 meters in 4 days. How many meters less does team a build than team B?

=50 (m)
A: team a repairs 50 meters less than team B on average every day