How many kilometers can a small car travel? How many liters of gasoline can it use to drive a kilometer

How many kilometers can a small car travel? How many liters of gasoline can it use to drive a kilometer

Driving with one liter of fuel: 3 / 4 △ 3 / 50 = 12.5km
Driving one kilometer: 3 / 50 △ 3 / 4 = 2 / 25 liter

Cars and trucks start from AB and run in opposite directions. Cars travel 80 kilometers per hour and trucks 60 kilometers per hour. How many meters are there between the two places?
A car and a truck start from a and B respectively and run in opposite directions. The car runs 80 kilometers per hour and the truck 60 kilometers per hour. A few hours later, the two cars meet at a place 30 kilometers away from the midpoint of a and B. how many kilometers are there between a and B?

Speed ratio of car to truck = 80:60 = 4:3
So when we met, the car made 4 / 7 of the whole journey
So AB distance = 30 / (4 / 7-1 / 2) = 30 / (1 / 14) = 420 km

Two cars drive from two cities 180 kilometers apart at the same time. The freight car travels 48 kilometers per hour and the car 52 kilometers per hour. A few hours later, the two cars are still 30 kilometers apart?

After X hours, the two cars are still 30 kilometers apart
So 1.5 hours later, the two cars are still 30 kilometers apart

Passenger cars and freight cars start from Shanghai at the same time. Passenger cars travel 100 kilometers per hour and freight cars 80 kilometers per hour. How many hours does it take for two cars to travel 50 kilometers apart?

If the conductor doesn't remember, set X hours, and the distance between two cars is 50km
100X-80X=50 X=2.5