A car at a certain speed from city a to city B can reach 5 hours. After 3.5 hours from city a, the car is 90 kilometers away from city B. how many kilometers are there between city a and city B?

A car at a certain speed from city a to city B can reach 5 hours. After 3.5 hours from city a, the car is 90 kilometers away from city B. how many kilometers are there between city a and city B?

[90 ÷ (5-3.5)] × 5 = 60 × 5, = 300 km. A: the distance between city a and city B is 300 km

A car drives from city a to city B at the speed of 40 kilometers per hour. When it returns, it uses the original speed to drive 34 kilometers more than 5 kilometers, and then uses the speed of 30 kilometers per hour to complete the rest of the journey. Therefore, it takes 10 minutes more to return to city a than to go to city B. how far is the distance between city a and city B?

Suppose that the distance between city a and city B is x km, 1-34 = 14, 10 minutes = 16 hours (14x-5) × 30 - (14x-5) × 40 = 16 & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; 1120x-16-1160x + 18 = 16 & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp

A car can travel 45 kilometers in 0,6 hours, and it takes 3,9 hours to drive from city a to city B. how many kilometers is the distance between city a and city B?
The formula, faster

=292.5 km

After 9 / 13 of the whole journey, a train went at a speed of 90 kilometers per hour for 4 hours to reach its destination

That is, this section of railway is 1170 kilometers long