If the speed of a car from place a to place B is increased by 20%, it can arrive one hour earlier than the original time. If the speed is increased by 25% after driving 120 km at the original speed, it can arrive 40 minutes earlier______ Kilometers

If the speed of a car from place a to place B is increased by 20%, it can arrive one hour earlier than the original time. If the speed is increased by 25% after driving 120 km at the original speed, it can arrive 40 minutes earlier______ Kilometers

If the speed is increased by 20%, the time will be 11 + 20% = 56, which is 1 hour earlier than the original time. If the speed is increased by 25%, the time will be 11 + 25% = 45. If the speed is increased by 40 minutes, the remaining journey will take 4060 △ 1-45 = 103 hours, which is 40 minutes earlier

If the speed of a car is increased from place a to place B, it can arrive one hour earlier than the original time; if it runs at the original speed of 120 km, it will arrive again
With the increase of speed, you can arrive 40 minutes earlier. How many kilometers are there between a and B?

I think I'm a little worried about the solution. Ah ~! It's a chaotic solution. You can barely have a look at it ~!
Set the distance as s, the original speed as V, the improved speed as V1, and the original time as t
We get V1 = 60
We get v = 120 / 22
S = 360 km