There are 100 tons of goods in warehouse A and warehouse B. If 15 tons of goods are transported from warehouse A to warehouse B, warehouse B will be 3 times more than warehouse A by 10 tons. How many tons are there in warehouse A and warehouse B? Use the equation to solve, hurry!

There are 100 tons of goods in warehouse A and warehouse B. If 15 tons of goods are transported from warehouse A to warehouse B, warehouse B will be 3 times more than warehouse A by 10 tons. How many tons are there in warehouse A and warehouse B? Use the equation to solve, hurry!

Suppose that a used to be x tons and B used to be 100-x tons
A: 33.75 tons, 66.25 tons

The number of goods in warehouse A and warehouse B is the whole number. 9 tons are transported from warehouse A to warehouse B, and warehouse B is twice as much as warehouse A. how much is transported from warehouse B to warehouse A, and warehouse A is six times as much as warehouse B?

Suppose that library a has x, Library B has y, and Library B transports t to library a, and library a is 6 times of Library B, then 2 * (X-9) = y + 9, and then find 6 * (Y-T) = x + T, find the value of T, that is, find the integer solution of 11y = 27 + 14T, because the remainder of 27 / 11 is 5, and the remainder of 14 / 11 is 3, so 3T + 5 should also be a multiple of 11, so t = 2

A warehouse 280 tons of goods, B warehouse 120 tons of goods, from a part of the transport to B warehouse, B and a ratio is 2:3?

Suppose x tons of goods are transported from warehouse A, then the equation is obtained,
Well, x = 40
A: 40 tons of goods were transported from warehouse a

Party A has 170 tons of goods in stock, and Party B has 90 tons of goods in stock. After transferring part of the goods from warehouse A to warehouse B, warehouse B is three fifths of warehouse A. how much is transferred to warehouse B?

170 + 90 = 1.6
Warehouse A after relocation = 162.5 tons
170-162.5 = 7.5 tons
Transfer 7.5 tons to warehouse B