My parents' love for me

My parents' love for me

"Only a mother is good in the world. A child with a mother is like a treasure..."
Whenever I sing this song, I think of my mother's love for me
My mother loves me with her eyes. When I am sick, my mother's eyes are burning; when I play, my mother's eyes are happy; when I study, my mother's eyes are proud; when I sleep, my mother's eyes are kind I said to my mother, "my mother loves me like her own eyes." my mother shook her head with a smile and said, "it's not enough, child." I found that my mother's eyes are deeper than the sea, and I can't see through
Give me a bonus
My mother loves me with her hands. When I fall down, my mother helps me quickly; when I lose sleep, my mother taps me gently; when I have a bad appetite, my mother feeds me one bite at a time; when my schoolbag is too heavy, my mother grabs it One night last summer, my mother couldn't catch the mosquitoes in the room. She rolled up the sleeves of her pajamas, put her arm around my head and said, "if you want to bite me, just bite me!"
My mother loves me with the whole heart. My mother says I'm a thousand gold. I know that I'm everything to her
When I write about this, I can't help singing again: "only mother is good in the world..."
"Only a mother is good in the world. A child with a mother is like a treasure..." Whenever I sing this song, I think of my mother who loves me and loves me
I remember one night in midsummer of grade one, because my father was studying for a doctor's degree in Southeast University, my mother and I were the only two people in the family. That night, my mother said that she had a fever and felt sore all over. However, I didn't expect that in the middle of the night, I also had a fever and the temperature was as high as 40 degrees centigrade, As soon as we were going out of the house, my mother said, "wait a minute." she went back to the bedroom and took a towel blanket and wrapped me in it. When we went out of the building, my mother opened the umbrella and hit it on my head. I didn't get any rain, but my mother's clothes got wet, The doctor gave me an injection. The next day, my illness was cured, but my mother's condition was aggravated. Mom, I know you aggravated the disease because of me, but you did not say. Ah! My mother's love is selfless dedication!
Mom, your love for me is selfless, your love for me is eternal, your love for me is beautiful! No matter where I go, I will never forget your love for me!
Some people say that mother is like the vast sky, we are like the birds in the sky, mother let us fly freely, exercise in nature. But I say that mother is like the spring rain, we are like the little tree. The little tree will grow up day by day after drinking the sweet rain
Spring goes and autumn comes, time flies, I am 12 years old. This long "journey" is carried down by my mother. He endures the pain by himself, and faces me with a "brilliant" smile. Just as the poem says, "who says" inch grass heart, report three spring sunshine. "Yes, in the past 12 years, my mother's advice has become my strength every day; after returning home, my mother's greetings, It has become the source of my confidence. Although it is only a familiar word, it contains deep maternal love
I remember that time, I went home in high spirits and looked at the table full of delicious dishes. Without saying a word, I immediately sat down on the table and was ready to have a good mouth. At this time, my mother came over and said with a smile, "these are your favorite food at ordinary times!" I nodded and began to eat. For a while, I ate a piece of silver hairtail, for a while, I ate a piece of green vegetables I eat with relish. At this time, I found delicious chicken on the table. My mother knew it was my favorite, so she picked up the biggest one and put it into my bowl. She said, "here, this piece of chicken is for you to supplement nutrition." I quickly said, "Mom, you can eat it yourself!" "I don't like chicken very much. You can eat it yourself!" I don't understand. My mother always likes chicken very much, This time how Suddenly, a warm current unconsciously into my heart
"Mother" has been recited by countless poets, sung by countless singers and depicted by countless painters since ancient times. From Meng Haoran's wanderer's song, we can understand the author's deep affection for mother. In Bing Xin's paper boat to my mother, I can also feel the author's yearning for mother
Ah, mother, you don't have a prominent position. You are just an ordinary professional worker. You don't have brilliant achievements. You just circle around us all day. But you are my pride. On the coming of the next "March 8 women's Day", I can't help saying to you: "mom, you have worked hard in the past 12 years. I will repay you with excellent achievements, and I will become your super star boy!"
One day after school, through the window, I saw that it was raining cats and dogs outside. I didn't bring my rain gear. What can I do? Seeing the students being picked up one by one, there was only me and another student left. He looked at me and I looked at him. I was a little flustered. Why didn't my mother come!
Just as I was waiting anxiously, I turned around and saw a familiar figure, ah, it's my mother! I ran to her and put my head into her arms and said coquettishly, "how did you come?" my mother stroked my head and said, "something happened just now, are you in a hurry?" she hugged me and went downstairs
The rain outside is getting heavier and heavier, and there is a lot of water on the road. My mother is riding a bicycle, and I am sitting behind the seat holding an umbrella. The rain is "crackling" on the umbrella. I move the umbrella forward, "you take the umbrella, don't get wet, be careful of catching a cold." my mother said, while pedaling hard, the rain is pouring on her mother. She was riding hard with her cat waist against the wind and rain, I hide behind my mother, she is my windproof wall, umbrella, mother's protection, I am not afraid of anything
Back home, my mother's clothes were all wet, but I was not drenched by the rain. She took off her wet clothes and put on clean clothes, and hurried into the kitchen to cook. At night, my mother had a fever of 38 ° 5. I was really worried and distressed, but she didn't complain. She lay down for two days to see me. She went to work as usual, did housework, and took me to and from school
I deeply understand the great maternal love, for the children, the mother can give everything
Love is indispensable in life, including the love of elders, teachers and classmates... Today I want to talk about the love of my mother
It was drizzling after school on Wednesday. I had to carry my schoolbag on my head. When I came to the shop at the crossroad, the heavy rain suddenly poured down, and I quickly hid in the shop. I thought: it's terrible. I didn't bring my umbrella, and today I said I would go home. My father and mother must still work in the factory. No one will pick me up. What should I do? If it keeps raining, Then I will not have time to do my homework! Just as I was worried, a figure came to me from a distance. "Ah! How could it be my mother? Isn't she working in the factory? How could she come here to meet me?" my eyes were as wide as Columbus found the new world. In a short time, my mother came to me, Still keep asking me: "did you get in the rain? Did you get in the rain..." my mother took off her coat and wrapped it on me
When I got home, I found that my mother's body and head were all wet. Because along the way, my mother always held the umbrella to my side, but I didn't hold it much. At this time, I couldn't help shedding two lines of tears. I only heard my mother say, "there's food in the kitchen, please bring it to me. My mother has to go to work?" I said, "don't worry about me, I'll do it myself, You'd better go to work! "But I thought: Mom, you're all wet. If you come in time, change your clothes, or you'll get sick. But I know Mom doesn't have so much time. She spends all her time on me
Mom, I have recorded your kindness and love for me. In the future, I will study hard and repay your love for me with excellent grades. You can rest assured
As long as people who are familiar with my father and mother will say to me, I'm really happy to have a strict father and a kind mother. I'm often happy to have such a father and mother myself
My father is strict. He always reminds me not to be proud when I am elated and warns me not to be complacent when I am successful. My mother's character is just the opposite of my father's and is kind. She always comforts me when I am sad and encourages me when I do things. Take my last exam for example, the night before the exam, I'm worried because I'm afraid that I won't do well in the exam tomorrow. My careful mother found out about this series of changes. She gently came over and comforted me in a soft voice and said, "what's the matter? Is it because I'm afraid that I'll scold you if you don't do well in the exam tomorrow? Don't worry, as long as you try your best in the exam, it doesn't matter if you don't do well in the exam, I won't scold you.", The next day, I got a better result in the exam. I went home with the test paper and congratulated my mother. My mother took my test paper and danced like a child. She was always kissing and hugging me. At this time, my father came over and looked at my score with disdain, "It's not a full score, is it worth so excited?" he said without expression. Remember the meaning of "modesty makes people progress, pride makes people lag behind". Don't be so proud and complacent just because you have made a little progress. "My father's words are like a basin of cold water, watering out the fire of excitement in my heart. But now I think that my father's words are not unreasonable, Also is one kind to the son infinite loving performance
No matter it's kind or severe, it's my parents' love for me, but the way of expression is different
On a snowy and windy day, the ground is freezing. It's tough for people to walk on it. If they don't pay attention, they will fall down. It was at noon when school was over. Our class walked out of the school under the piercing northwest wind and the snow. The ground was very slippery. It was like greasing. I was afraid of slipping and walked carefully. Suddenly, I heard someone calling me. I looked at it, My mother is just in front of me on the left. I seem to find a ray of light in the dark. I'm as happy as a bird. I jump in front of my mother and say, "Mom! Mom!" I scream excitedly. My mother smiles happily and looks at a layer of white snow falling on her head. A smile has appeared on her anxious face. The snow seems to be melted by her family. I ask curiously, "Mom, Why are you here? "My mother blinked mischievously, and said," don't we go together with a companion, not afraid of falling down? "I believed it and said," I'm not afraid, let me protect you! "So my mother and I helped me back home. When we got home, I knew that my mother was afraid that I would slip home alone, not that I would fall down. For me, My mother has been eroded by the wind and snow for 20 minutes, but I am so naive
"Only a mother is good in the world. A child with a mother is like a treasure." this is true. My mother gave me life, nurtured me and gave me the greatest and most selfless love in the world
I know that every mother loves her children, but the way of love is different. Take my mother for example, she is very strict and meticulous in my study, and meticulous and painstaking in my life