I borrowed 500 yuan from my father, borrowed 500 yuan from my mother, bought a pair of shoes, used 970 yuan, left 30 yuan, returned 10 yuan to my father, returned 10 yuan to my mother, left 10 yuan, owed 490 yuan to my father, owed 490490 + 490 = 980 yuan to my mother, and my 10 yuan is equal to 990 yuan. Where is the other 10 yuan?

I borrowed 500 yuan from my father, borrowed 500 yuan from my mother, bought a pair of shoes, used 970 yuan, left 30 yuan, returned 10 yuan to my father, returned 10 yuan to my mother, left 10 yuan, owed 490 yuan to my father, owed 490490 + 490 = 980 yuan to my mother, and my 10 yuan is equal to 990 yuan. Where is the other 10 yuan?

Your own 10 yuan is not yours, repeat

Xiao Ming borrowed 500 yuan from his father, then borrowed 500 yuan from his mother, and bought 970 yuan for a pair of leather shoes. He also had 30 yuan. He returned 10 yuan to his father, 10 yuan to his mother, and 10 yuan to himself. He owed 490 yuan to his father and 490 yuan to his mother. 490 + 490 = 980 yuan, plus 10 yuan to himself = 990 yuan. Where is the other 10 yuan?

This problem has to be pushed forward from the back to the front. Returning 10 yuan each to my father and mother is equivalent to borrowing 490 yuan each to my father and mother, a total of 980 yuan. It costs 970 yuan to buy shoes, but I still have 10 yuan left. 970 + 10 = 980 yuan, so he didn't borrow so much for the poor 10 yuan. Of course, there is no problem of less 10 yuan

Xiao Ming borrowed 500 yuan from his father and 500 yuan from his mother. He bought a pair of shoes and used 970 yuan. Xiao Ming had 30 yuan left. Xiao Ming gave 10 yuan to his father and 10 yuan to his mother. Xiao Ming had 10 yuan left. Xiao Ming owed 490 yuan to his father and mother
490 + 490 = 980 in addition to Xiaoming's 10 yuan, the total is 990 yuan

Because Xiaoming borrowed 980 yuan from his father and mother and used 970 yuan to buy shoes, Xiaoming had 10 yuan left

Xiao Ming borrowed 500 yuan from his father and 500 yuan from his mother. He bought 970 yuan for a pair of leather shoes and left 30 yuan. He returned 10 yuan to his father and 10 yuan to his mother. He owed 490 yuan to his father. His mother's 490.490 plus 490 equals 980 yuan, and his 10 equals 990 yuan. Where is the other 10?

Borrow 500 from your father, borrow 500 from your mother, buy a pair of shoes cost 970 yuan, the remaining 30 yuan, return 10 yuan to your father, 10 yuan to your mother, that is, you still owe 490 yuan to your father, 490.490 + 490 = 980 yuan to your mother, which means you borrowed 490 yuan from your father and 490 yuan from your mother. Because you have already paid 10 yuan to your father, you are not borrowing 500 yuan
Calculation: I borrowed 490 yuan from my father and 490.490 + 490 = 980 yuan from my mother (the total amount of money borrowed). I used 970 yuan to buy shoes. So the remaining 10 yuan is very normal. There is no other 10 yuan