Asked two people each borrowed 500 yuan, spent 970 yuan, the rest gave them each 10 yuan, he left 10 yuan, he owed her two each 490 yuan, 490 + 490 + 10 = 990 980 is owed, 10 is reserved for oneself, ask to still have 10 yuan to go where?

Asked two people each borrowed 500 yuan, spent 970 yuan, the rest gave them each 10 yuan, he left 10 yuan, he owed her two each 490 yuan, 490 + 490 + 10 = 990 980 is owed, 10 is reserved for oneself, ask to still have 10 yuan to go where?

It's a very old topic. It belongs to the concept of exchange. This kind of topic must be based on one person, not three people. It's 490 + 490 + 10 = 990 for self reference, but I didn't have any money. At last, I gave 10 yuan more, so it's 1000 to add 10 yuan more

Xiao Ming's birthday, dad gave 500 yuan, mom gave 500 yuan, Xiao Ming bought shoes with 970 yuan, the remaining 30 yuan, Xiao Ming returned dad 10 yuan, returned mom 10 yuan, he left 10 yuan, owed dad 490 yuan, owed mom 490 yuan, a total of 980 yuan, plus his own 10 yuan, where is 10 yuan

There are many similar questions, giving people an illusion

I borrowed 500 yuan from my father, my mother borrowed 500 yuan, bought Yishuang shoes, spent 970 yuan, left 30 yuan, returned 10 yuan to my mother, returned 10 yuan to my father, left 10 yuan, owed 490 yuan to my mother, owed 490 yuan to my father, 490 + 490 + 10 + 10 = 1010 yuan, what's the matter with the extra 10 yuan?

You're wrong, pro!
First of all, I borrowed 500 yuan from my father and 500 yuan from my mother. I spent 970 yuan on a pair of shoes, and there was 30 yuan left. The money here is still right. I returned 10 yuan to my father, 10 yuan to my mother, and 10 yuan to myself. The money here is right, 490 yuan to my father and 490 yuan to my mother. The logic is right, but you are wrong to calculate 490 + 490 + 10 yuan to yourself, and 20 yuan to 1100 yuan
490 + 490 = 980 yuan means that you still owe them so much, because you have already paid 20 yuan, so you should pay 980 + 20 = 1000 yuan
Your remaining 10 yuan should be calculated as follows: you spend 970 yuan, give your parents 10 yuan each, that is 20 yuan, and you still have 10 yuan, 970 + 20 + 10 = 1000 yuan
It's unreasonable for you to choose 490 + 490 + 10. It was a problem that affected the world!

How to make eight equal to one thousand?

Answer: 8 + 8 + 8 + 88 + 888