, [(100 + x) * (1000-2x)] / [100 * 1000] = 115.2%, solve this equation and write down the process~

, [(100 + x) * (1000-2x)] / [100 * 1000] = 115.2%, solve this equation and write down the process~

[(100 + x) * (1000-2x)] / [100 * 1000] = 115.2% [(100 + x) * (1000-2x)] = 115200100000-200x + 1000x-2x ^ 2 = 1152002x ^ 2-800x + 15200 = 0x ^ 2-400x + 7800 = 0x = 400 + √ 160000-4 * 7800 / 2 = 200 + 10 √ 322 or x = 400 - √ 160000-4 * 7800 / 2 = 200-10 √ 322

Solve two equations: (1000 + x) x = 500000


What do you say about the numbers in Spanish? Please annotate them in Chinese

1、 The cardinal number is 1-100 UNO 1dos 2tres 3cuatro 4cinco 5seis 6 Siete 7ocho 8nueve 9diez 10once 11doc 12trece 13catalogue 14quince 15diecis é is 16diecisiete 17dieciocho 18diecinueve 19veinte 20veintiuno 21ve

How to read a few numbers in Spanish~
How do you say 48 million?
What about 1986?

The square kilometer is kil ó metros cuadrados, the number is quinientos Cuatro mil setecientos ochenta y DOS, 48 million is cuarenta y Ocho millones, in 1986 is el a & ntilde; o mil novecientos ochenta y SEIS

Can speak Argentinean Spanish come in, ask number 20 how to pronounce?
The official language of Argentina is Spanish, but its pronunciation is different from that of the orthodox Spanish. It has a local pronunciation. Viente - some people read - ask de - some people read - door de - because the Chinese language of De is not easy to type, it will be replaced by de. the main vien in front of me is not very talented. I think it's not much different from the V of English. I think it's reading and asking, but my aunt said someone read door De, V becomes the sound of M. can it be that V is pronounced by biting her lip, so she heard it wrong?

Veinte, V with a bit of B sound, almost like asking

How do you read these sentences in Spanish? You'd better give me Chinese or Pinyin~
Eres muy importante para mí
Me haces bien.
Eres hermoso (a).
Te respeto
Te necesito.

You're very important to me. Eres many importante para m í you're very nice to me. Me has bien Maasai you're very handsome. Eres hermoso (a). I respect you

How to read Calzado in Spanish? It's better to translate it in Chinese

Calzado (shoes), divided into three syllables
The first. Cal, like the GA in Lady Gaga, then curls up a little
The second. ZA, is equivalent to: three (sound: SA). "Three"
The third. Do, which is more difficult to express: because it is a voiced d d D. if it is a voiced D, say "Dao". The voiced sound is almost like "Zao"
Calzado = Ga'er San Zao
It's better to read the phonetic alphabet well and then practice it. In this way, practice 90.5% of the tone. Good luck

A, B and C compete in a field table competition. There are five events: 100 meters, 400 meters, 800 meters high jump and long jump
A, B and C compete in a field economy competition. The competition items include: 100 meters, 400 meters, 800 meters, high jump and long jump. It is known that each of the first, second and third place will get 5 points, 2 points and 1 point respectively. B is the first place in the 800 meters race. After the competition, the total score of each person is: A, 22 points, C, 9 points respectively. Think about it. What position do these three people get in the five events

You think 800m B is the first place with five points. He has to score in all the other four events. How can he score four times and add up to nine points? That is to say, the other four events are the last place with nine points
Now, he has participated in all five events. If there is also a first place, the other four events can only be the last one. If so, the last one will repeat a lot and can only be the second place. If there is a second point, the other points should be integral multiples of five. In 800 meters, a can only be the second place, C is the third place, and the others are easy to analyze
The final result is as follows:
Ranking table
A, B and C
100 m 1 3 2
400 m 1 3 2
800 m 2 1 3
High jump 1 3 2
Long jump 1 3 2
The score of a is 5 + 5 + 2 + 5 + 5 = 22
The score of B is 1 + 1 + 5 + 1 + 1 = 9
The fraction of C is 2 + 2 + 1 + 2 + 2 = 9

A, B, C three people to conduct a track and field competition, competition items are: 100 meters, 200 meters, 400 meters, long jump, high jump five,
The second and third place each got 5, 2 and 1 points. B won the first place in the 400 meter race. After the race, each scored 22 points for a, 9 points for B and 9 points for C. think about it. What positions did the three get in each of the five events?

A: first, first, second, first, first;
B: Third, third, first, third, third,
C: second, second, third, second, second,

The first, second and third of each event are known to have 5 points, 2 points and 1 point
B won the first place in the 100 meter race. After the race, B and C each scored 9 points. The first place in the 400 meter race is () the second place () the third place ()

If the competition is held among the three players, the total score is (5 + 2 + 1) * 5 = 40
Then a gets 40-9-9 = 22 points = 2 + 5 + 5 + 5 + 5
B 9 points, 100 meters 5 points, and 4 events can be 1, 1, 1, 1
C 9 points, can be 1,2,2,2,2
It can be seen that the first place in the 400 meter race is (a), the second place (c) and the third place (b)