There are 30 people in high jump and long jump, 16 people in high jump and 20 people in long jump. How many people participate in the two events?

There are 30 people in high jump and long jump, 16 people in high jump and 20 people in long jump. How many people participate in the two events?

16 + 20-30 = 6 persons

In the school sports meeting, 30 people took part in the long jump and high jump. 18 people took part in the long jump and 22 people took part in the high jump
In the school sports meeting, 30 people participated in the long jump and high jump. 18 people participated in the long jump and 22 people participated in the high jump. How many people participated in both the long jump and the high jump?

(18 + 22) - 30 = 10 (person)

How to measure the steps of long jump and high jump

Excellent athletes generally take 28-32 steps to run up (can reach the highest speed), and can determine the number of run-up steps according to their own speed ability characteristics. It is suggested to practice on the straight first, form a habit, and then practice on the board
There are mainly two kinds of step point measurement,
Standing start, athletes stand on the run-up sign full speed start, this way of run-up, step is more accurate, the disadvantage is easy to run stiff
Pre run start, the athletes stand 1-2 meters away from the run-up mark, and start the run-up with small jump. It is easier to run at the highest speed, and the body will not be stiff. The disadvantage is that the step is relatively inaccurate
The step point of Fosbury Flop adopts arc run-up. First, determine the take-off point about 30 cm outside the middle of the cross bar. First, walk 5 steps to the right, which is a point. Then walk 6 steps to the right, which is B point. Then walk 7 steps forward, which is C point. From c-b-a run-up, C-B run-up is linear, B-A run-up is arc run-up. After repeated practice, you can find your own step point
The pace and rhythm of long jump and high jump are very important. The point measured by the above method is not necessarily your exact starting jump or take-off point. The important thing is to practice repeatedly, adjust the position of the point repeatedly, find out your best point, and then measure again. The point of long jump can be measured with a tape measure or the step

Xiao Gang has been practicing high jump hard since the beginning of February this year. Every month's high jump performance is higher than that of the previous month

Set the score in February as X, and increase y every month
The solution is x = 1.43, y = 0.02

Long jump in track and field
In the competition, an athlete moved forward and fell into the bunker. Because of the unstable center of gravity, his arm moved backward and sat in the bunker. Where should the athlete's performance be measured

Measure the nearest place to the springboard where he contacts the bunker

Five contributions to the games, 100-150 words

To long distance runners
At that moment, you are like an arrow off the string
Like a meteor, like lightning
On the playground, you are the most tenacious, unremitting pursuit, no regrets to run
You are the most elegant in the sports field, chasing each other to the end
With a burst of warm applause, the match has been divided
Winners continue to refuel, losers don't be discouraged, learn from each other, I believe you will harvest, refuel!
To relay athletes
This is a common stick
The contrast between red and white depicts their justice and fortitude
It's in your hands--
In the hands of our relay athletes
From cold to warm,
Fortitude melts into softness
Today, we hold it and run on the field,
We will work with it tomorrow
Set foot on the Olympic journey
To Shot Putters
Hold the heavy shot in your hand. Your hope is agglutinated on the shot,
Your ideal, gather the strength of the whole body, push out the ideal,
Launch hope, shot in the air shine, ideal in the air shine
To high jumpers
A thin pole was placed in mid air,
It's fine, but it's like a ridge in your life,
No, don't be afraid,
As long as you have the will,
As long as you have faith,
What does that mean?
You can't have the joy of success without experiencing the ups and downs,
One victory after another,
Surpass yourself time and again,
Come on, try to jump over the barrier in front of you
To burn your youth!
To 200m athletes
The playground in summer is so beautiful that it is almost hopeless
You squat on the starting line
Every muscle is stubborn enough to hold up like a statue, slowly and slowly
You raised your head, and your firm eyes were filled with greed and sweat, and your hair finally flew up
Go on, go on, turn into a brave eagle and look for the sun in my heart

200 word manuscript for 100 meter Hurdlers

Let us know what is struggle,
We are passion, we are glory. Come on,
Let everyone witness the moment you win,
Let all people be proud of you!
With the east wind of the Olympic Games and the cheers of the audience,
We move, we run on the track,
Let's work together,
Run to the end of victory!
In your eyes, you don't care about the joy of victory and the tears of failure, just to show the rhythm of life
Striver, you are the loudest note in the movement of life. In your heart, only the belief of ceaseless struggle, with their own solid pace to start a new journey of life
You are our pride forever!
You are like an arrow full of energy
The gunfire rang out
You get out of the bow
Gallop out
Although the momentum of the arrow
It's transient
Despite your momentum
Only 100 meters or 200 meters
But you don't care
For those expecting eyes
In order to complete the task
It's like an arrow
Flying towards the target
Praise 1500 meter athletes
You are the heart of the playground, beating the dream;
You are the spirit of the long road, inspiring brilliance;
You are the people who will search up and down!
The wind cheers you, the cloud cheers you,
Firmness, persistence, endurance and hope,
Gather in the extended white runway!
Strength, faith, struggle and struggle,
In the distant finish line gradually bright!
The strong voice of the times is ringing at your feet
To athletes
No explanation for applause
Not for deliberate conquest
Only hard sweat turns into pursuit
Firm faith in heart
A steady step
You tell a constant truth with your actions
There is no longer road than the foot
There is no higher mountain than man
Hope beckons to you at the end
Work hard with your perseverance
To meet the flowers and applause at the end
Believe that success belongs to you
Zan sports meeting
The beautiful wreath is made of thorns
We are not afraid of difficulties, persevere, enthusiastic and make concerted efforts,
"Friendship first, competition second"
Strive actively, make achievements and make style,
Vigorous spirit
Welcome the new future!
Challenge the limit of sports, deduce the study of bodybuilding!
Learn from each other, learn from each other's strong points, make persistent efforts and climb the summit bravely
To 100m athletes
Starting line
You line up
Bodybuilding muscles contain explosive power
The firm eyes are full of confidence
The gun went off
You started a short journey
On the straight track
There are your steady footprints
The near end
Will leave you when sprint agile figure
Come on
The applause will ring for you
Come on
Victory and flowers will belong to you
To Sprinters
On the track,
It's a choice
From the starting point,
It's a kind of courage
On the court,
It's a victory
With your strength,
With your spirit,
To open up
A piece of land that belongs to you
Sprint all over the world
To 200m athletes
200m, a starting point of life
200m, there is a curve in life
200m, a sprint of life
200m, a brilliant victory
200m, just a moment
But achieved an eternal victory
200m, only one turning point
But how much sweat
Run for your glorious victory
Across that moment
Turn the corner
Victory beckons to you
--To 200m athletes
Playground in summer
It was so beautiful
Beautiful, almost hopeless
You squat on the starting line
Every muscle is stubborn enough to hold up
It's like a statue
You look up
There was greed in his resolute eyes
The sweat - soaked hair finally flew up
Go ahead, go ahead
Become a brave Eagle
To find the sun in my heart
100 meter race
It's like flying after the gun
Go forward without retreat
The wind blows like lightning
What do warriors say when they set out
To 100m athletes
The sound of gunfire accompanies you on the journey. You hold your head high with confidence and belief that you will win,
Rush, run
At that moment, time seemed to stop for you. Your courage vibrated everything,
Shocked everyone's heart. End. You win
Although it's just a short ten seconds, you leave eternity in our hearts
Instant success or failure
To the 100m athletes
Red track, carrying how much sweat, a red line, recorded how much success or failure
A start, is an instant burst, success or failure, that is to determine which
Instant instant, lightning flash, that is the start of success
To 100m athletes
Gun sound, you rush forward, for nothing else, for the class to lead, no sweat in the past, how to see today's victory? Believe in yourself, encourage yourself, beyond yourself. Add an eternal pen to the sun's brilliance! What you want is to persist in the end, not gorgeous. Go! Towards the future, to the end
To 100m athletes
What I want to see most is your style,
What I want to listen to most is your breath,
What I want to feel most is the wind that you whistle past,
Today, you are the focus;
Today, you are proud;
Today, we see you create brilliance
To 100m athletes
On the track, standing on the white starting line for countless times,
Countless times I looked up at the front, countless times I tasted the bitterness of failure,
Countless times to taste the sweetness of victory. This is you? 100m athlete
Behind the glory is sweat, behind the success is hardship,
For this short 100 meters,
You've had countless starts and sprints
This world belongs to you, 100m athlete
To the 100m athletes
With the sound of a gunshot, the wind blows in the autumn,
You show your style,
In this short 100 meters,
You fight against time,
Just for the last sprint
No matter what the result, you are the winner
Because, you once competed with time
To long distance runners
It is extraordinary perseverance that is tempered,
It's about extraordinary physical strength,
What we strive for is outstanding endurance
Run the long track into a long journey,
Listen! The roaring wind is cheering for you,
Look! The colorful flag of hunting is cheering for you,
Come on!
In order to reach the end of the brilliant moment!
To middle and long distance runners
If strength comes from breath, breath comes from life
The essence of life and the eternity of power
The moment of breathing annotates the value of life
The difficulty of Nanwu's breathing and the fading of his strength can be explained most beautifully at this moment
Stick to this beauty in the end, even if you fail, you will feel no regrets
Keep this beauty in my heart forever, even if it is locked, it will never fade
All this will be in the air of the heart, like a rainbow
Leave a beautiful and eternal moment
There is no regret in this life
The choice without regret
No matter the ending is good or bad
No regrets is our choice
Every time an athlete runs on the 400 meter track
We wish and cheer for you
Don't give up until the last minute. It's your faith
It has become our faith
Fly! Wings belong to you
To long distance runners
The power of human beings unfolded in that moment,
Struggle became the starting point of life in that moment,
In that moment, everything becomes nothing,
I only know that victory is not far away,
Looking up ahead,
The finish line is visible,
Countless days and nights of hard work,
It will be cashed today
With hard sweat,
Continue to lift up tired feet,
The burst of a roar, full of breath,
Move on,