What's the sum of one thousand plus ten times two minus ten plus one thousand plus ten

What's the sum of one thousand plus ten times two minus ten plus one thousand plus ten

three thousand and twenty

How do six eights equal 1000

First of all, let's talk about the idea: the formula we can think of from 1000
10 * 10 * 10 or 125 * 8 or something
Because these two formulas have something to do with 8
Then go to research: the cubic power of 10 needs two numbers 10 and 3, and six eights can't be calculated
And 125 times 8. Let's see that 125 needs five 8's
Σ 8 + 88 + 8 △ 8 (where ∑ n means 1 + 2 + 3 +. + n)
That's it. Maybe there's another way-