Borrow 500 yuan from my father, borrow 500 yuan from my mother, buy a pair of shoes, use 970 yuan to return 10 yuan to my father and 10 yuan to my mother Borrow 500 yuan from dad, borrow 500 yuan from Mom, buy a pair of shoes, use 970 yuan to return 10 yuan to Dad, return 10 yuan to mom, leave 10 yuan to owe 490 yuan to Dad, owe 490 yuan to mom, 490 yuan + 490 yuan = 980 yuan + you multiply 10 yuan = 990 yuan, where is 10 yuan?

Borrow 500 yuan from my father, borrow 500 yuan from my mother, buy a pair of shoes, use 970 yuan to return 10 yuan to my father and 10 yuan to my mother Borrow 500 yuan from dad, borrow 500 yuan from Mom, buy a pair of shoes, use 970 yuan to return 10 yuan to Dad, return 10 yuan to mom, leave 10 yuan to owe 490 yuan to Dad, owe 490 yuan to mom, 490 yuan + 490 yuan = 980 yuan + you multiply 10 yuan = 990 yuan, where is 10 yuan?

This is misleading. What is owed and what is left cannot be confused

Xiao Ming borrowed 500 yuan from his parents, then spent 970 yuan to buy shoes, and then returned 10 yuan to his parents. There are still 10 yuan left. Where are you going?

Here's the idea
490 is borrowed separately from their parents, which is equivalent to debt;
10 is on hand, equivalent to cash assets;
The mobile phone is 970, which is also a physical asset;
In other words, liabilities are 490 + 490 = 980; assets are 10 + 970 = 980; the two are equivalent
If you have to accumulate, then it should be (- 490) + - 490) + 10 + 970 = 0, that is, you have no money before you buy a mobile phone, after you buy a mobile phone, your assets and debts balance, or you have no money

Xiao Ming borrowed 500 yuan from his parents and spent 970 yuan to buy a pair of shoes. The remaining 30 yuan was returned to his parents and 10 yuan was left for his own use. That's it. He owes his parents 490 yuan each. 490 + 490 plus 10 yuan is equal to 990 yuan. How can he lose 10 yuan? Where's the 10 yuan?

Your algorithm is wrong. Correct is 490 + 490 = 980, and shoes is 970, plus 10 yuan in hand, just right

Xiao Ming borrowed 500 yuan from his parents to buy shoes with 970 yuan, left 30 yuan, and returned 10 yuan to his parents, plus his own 990 yuan. Where is the remaining 10 yuan?

Xiao Ming actually borrowed 980 yuan in total, and the remaining 10 yuan belongs to the amount of 980 yuan borrowed. The two cannot be added up
A total of 980 yuan was borrowed, including 970 yuan for shoes and 10 yuan for the rest