One day, I borrowed 500 yuan from my mother and 500 yuan from my father. I spent 970 yuan on shopping. There were 30 yuan left, 10 yuan left for my mother and 10 yuan left for my father. I still owed 490 yuan to my mother and 490 yuan to my father. In addition, my 10 yuan was only 990 yuan. Where is the other 10 yuan?

One day, I borrowed 500 yuan from my mother and 500 yuan from my father. I spent 970 yuan on shopping. There were 30 yuan left, 10 yuan left for my mother and 10 yuan left for my father. I still owed 490 yuan to my mother and 490 yuan to my father. In addition, my 10 yuan was only 990 yuan. Where is the other 10 yuan?

There is a blind spot for the price difference of ten yuan. Let's work it out by yourself

Xiao Ming took 500 from his mother, borrowed 500 from his father, spent 970 on a pair of shoes, returned 10 to his father, returned 10 to his mother, and left 10 for himself. In this way, Xiao Ming apologized for 490 to his mother, 490490 + 490 = 980 to his father, plus his own 10 yuan, a total of 990 yuan. Where is the remaining 10 yuan?

First of all, it's a logical mistake. After paying back the money, Xiao Ming only borrowed 490 yuan from his parents, a total of 980 yuan. The 980 yuan was used to buy shoes 970 yuan and the 10 yuan he left, that is 980 = 970 + 10. Therefore, there is no "remaining 10 yuan"