A person deposits 2000 yuan into the bank on a one-year basis, withdraws 1000 yuan for shopping after maturity, and deposits the remaining 1000 yuan and the interest due to him in the bank on a one-year basis. If the interest rate of the deposit remains unchanged, he will get 1320 yuan of principal and interest after maturity, and calculate the annual interest rate of this deposit method

A person deposits 2000 yuan into the bank on a one-year basis, withdraws 1000 yuan for shopping after maturity, and deposits the remaining 1000 yuan and the interest due to him in the bank on a one-year basis. If the interest rate of the deposit remains unchanged, he will get 1320 yuan of principal and interest after maturity, and calculate the annual interest rate of this deposit method

Let the annual interest rate of this kind of deposit be X. from the meaning of the question, we can get [2000 (1 + x) - 1000] (1 + x) = 1320, and the solution is: X1 = - 1.6 (not conforming to the meaning of the question, rounding off), x2 = 0.1, and the annual interest rate of this kind of deposit is: 0.1 = 10%

My mother's salary is 2000 yuan per month. If my mother deposits half a year's salary in the bank for a fixed period of one year, if the annual interest rate is 3-89%,
How much will be awarded when due? (5% interest rate)

After tax interest = principal × interest rate × deposit term × (1-tax rate)
After tax interest = (2000 × 6) × 3.89% × (1-5%) = 443.46 yuan
Sum of principal and interest = 12000 + 443.46 = 12443.46 yuan

The salary of Party A and Party B is 4:3, and that of Party B is 2000 yuan. How much is the salary of Party A? Use equations to answer

Let a's salary be y and B's salary be X
. x times 4 2000 * 4
A's salary y = - = - = 2666.7
3 3