The manager said: the monthly income in 2009 is 2000 yuan. I plan to increase your salary by 20% every year and make your salary exceed 2800 yuan by 2011. Is the manager's promise possible? Please calculate and explain!

The manager said: the monthly income in 2009 is 2000 yuan. I plan to increase your salary by 20% every year and make your salary exceed 2800 yuan by 2011. Is the manager's promise possible? Please calculate and explain!

It's OK

In a job fair, company a and company B announced their salary standards respectively: Company A: the first month's salary is 1500 yuan, and then the monthly salary is 230 yuan higher than the previous month's salary; company B: the first month's salary is 2000 yuan, and then the monthly salary is 5% higher than the previous year's salary (1) if the person intends to work continuously for N years, what are the monthly wages in the nth year? (2) If the person intends to work continuously for 10 years and only considers the total amount of salary, which company should he choose? Why? (accurate to 1 yuan)

(1) The salary income of company a in the nth year is an yuan, and that of company B in the nth year is BN yuan, then an = 230n + 1270, BN = 2000.1.05n-1 (4 points) (2) the total income of working in company a for 10 years is s a, and the total income of working in company B is s B. s a = (10.1500 + 45.230) × 12 = 304200s B = 2000 (1 − 1.05n) 1 − 1.05 × 12 ≈ 301869 (4 points)

Xiao Wang deposits 2000 yuan and Xiao Li 1500 yuan in the bank. Later, Xiao Wang deposits 100 yuan and Xiao Li deposits 200 yuan each month. A few months later, they both deposit the same amount,

Set X for each month

Xiao Wang saves 2000 yuan and Xiao Zhang 1500 yuan. If Xiao Wang saves 100 yuan and Xiao Zhang saves 200 yuan every month in the future, the two people's deposits will be equal in a few months