Explain the function of the method (examples, numbers, comparisons) The teacher talked about it a long time ago, but I don't know where the notes were thrown, so I want to ask the teachers or students in Shanghai to explain it

Explain the function of the method (examples, numbers, comparisons) The teacher talked about it a long time ago, but I don't know where the notes were thrown, so I want to ask the teachers or students in Shanghai to explain it

Examples: examples can be abstracted into concrete, so that the content of the description is specific, clear, easy to understand and convincing

A series of numerical examples are given to illustrate the function of the method

Examples: examples can be drawn from abstract to concrete, so that the content of the description is specific, clear, easy to understand, and convincing. Comparison: comparative description often shows similarities and differences, highlights characteristics, and enhances effect through comparison
Column number: that is concise, accurate and specific, at a glance, can give readers a clear image. But the common explanation method has not heard, sorry

Write a sentence by listing numbers

According to incomplete statistics, more than 120 species of endangered animals originated in China are listed in the appendix of cites, 257 species are listed in the list of wildlife under state key protection, and 400 species of birds, amphibians, reptiles and fish are listed in the Red Book of endangered animals of China, There are still hundreds of species listed in the list of key protected wildlife in provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities directly under the central government