Party A and Party B deposit the same amount. Later, Party A withdraws 500 yuan and Party B deposits 400 yuan. As a result, Party B is three times as much as Party A. how many yuan did they deposit What's the formula

Party A and Party B deposit the same amount. Later, Party A withdraws 500 yuan and Party B deposits 400 yuan. As a result, Party B is three times as much as Party A. how many yuan did they deposit What's the formula

Solution: let two people deposit X Yuan (x-500) * 3 = x 400 3x-1500 = x 400 3x-x = 1500 400 2x = 1900 x = 950 yuan

Let's use analogy, examples, and comparison to illustrate. Let's write a sentence about global warming

For example: the increase of carbon dioxide is like a cotton padded jacket on the earth ship, causing global warming
Example: emissions of greenhouse gases, such as methane and carbon dioxide, can cause global warming
In the past 1000 years, the earth's temperature has not increased by 0.8 degrees, but because of the global warming caused by the greenhouse effect, the average temperature of the earth has increased by 0.8 degrees in 100 years

Introduce a thing by enumerating numbers, examples and analogy

The main stadium for the 2008 Beijing Olympic Games is also known as the "bird's nest" because of its unique shape. It is more like a cradle for human hope for the future. During the Olympic Games, the stadium has 100000 seats, 80000 permanent seats and 20000 temporary seats. The whole stadium project is huge and magnificent, covering an area of 258000 square meters, The top of the National Stadium is saddle shaped, with a long axis of 332.3 meters and a short axis of 296.4 meters. The height of the highest point is 68.5 meters, and the height of the lowest point is 42.8 meters. In 2009, the National Stadium was selected as one of the top ten buildings in the world