Practical questions, A train from Shanghai to Beijing leaves from Shanghai at 17:30, and the distance to Beijing is 1452 km. The speed of the train is 132 km / h, and it is 264 km away from the destination after 9 hours. According to this calculation, how long does it take to get to Beijing?

Practical questions, A train from Shanghai to Beijing leaves from Shanghai at 17:30, and the distance to Beijing is 1452 km. The speed of the train is 132 km / h, and it is 264 km away from the destination after 9 hours. According to this calculation, how long does it take to get to Beijing?

Train speed = 132 km / h
So 264 / 132 = 2
Total time = 9 + 2 = 11 hours
So the time to Beijing is 4:30
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Practical questions
There are 192 books in the upper, middle and lower layers on the bookshelf. Now take out as many books as the middle layer from the upper layer and put them in the middle layer. Then take out as many books as the lower layer and put them in the lower layer. Finally, take out as many books as the upper layer and put them in the upper layer. At this time, the books on the three layers are the same
No equations
The equation of first degree with one variable is barely adequate


The application question seeks the formula answer!
(1) Two baskets of the same pears, the first box weighs 24 kg, the second box weighs 27 kg, the first box is 4.8 yuan cheaper than the second box. How much is it per kg? (2) in a rectangular container, there is 12 cm deep water. Due to the sudden change of the weather, there is a layer of ice on it. The thickness of the ice is 3.6, and the volume of water freezing is known to increase by 1 / 11, What's the depth of water under the ice? (3) at the end of the term, each class recommends No. 3 students according to the proportion of No. 3 students accounting for 1 / 4 of the class. Class 6 (2) recommends 12 No. 3 students, and how many people are there in class 6 (2). (3) two cars start from point AB at the same time. The speed at point a is 48 km / h, and that at point B is 42 km / h. The distance between the two places is 275 km, How many hours do two cars meet when they start at the same time

(1) 4.8 ÷ (27-24) = 1.6 yuan, 1.6 yuan per kilogram;
(2) 12-3.6 × 11 △ 12 = 8.7 (CM), underwater depth 8.7 cm;
(3) 12 (1 / 4) = 48 (persons);
(4) Opposite operation: 275 ÷ (48 + 42) = 3.06 (hours);
Same direction operation: 275 ÷ (48-42) = 45.8 (hours)

OK, I'll add a lot of points
1. To build a road, the ratio of the length of the repaired road to that of the unmodified road is 1:5. After another 490 meters, the ratio of the length of the repaired road to that of the unmodified road is exactly 3. How many meters are left?
2. Party A and Party B process a batch of parts at the same time. After 5 hours, Party A is making 60 more parts than Party B. according to this, it takes 7 hours to complete this batch of parts. The ratio of parts made by Party A and Party B per hour is 7:5. How many parts has Party A made in total?

490 ÷ (3 / 4-1 / 6) = 840m
840 × (1-3 / 4) = 210m Length of road not built
2: 60 △ 5 = 12
12 × 7 = 84
84 (7-5) = 42
42 × 7 = 294 Number of parts made by a

M is any natural number that is not zero, even number can be expressed by 〔〕, odd number can be expressed by 〔〕

M is any natural number that is not zero. Even numbers can be represented by [2m], odd numbers can be represented by [2m + 1 or 2m-1]

A natural number (except 0 & nbsp;) is either odd or even, or prime or composite______ .

It is true that a natural number (except 0) is either odd or even, but 1 is a natural number and 1 is neither prime nor composite, so the original question is wrong

1 divided by a natural number a (a is not equal to 0), what is the result?

1 / A

What's the ratio between the natural number a (a is not equal to 0) and its reciprocal?

The natural number a (a is not equal to 0) is inversely proportional to its reciprocal

The natural number a which is not equal to 0 is not proportional to its reciprocal

The natural number a not equal to 0 is inversely proportional to its reciprocal 1 / A

In a / 7, a is a natural number which is not zero. 1. When a is of what value, the reciprocal of 7 / 7 of a is less than itself? 2. When a is of what value, 7 / 7 of a is equal to

1. A is less than 7. 2. A is equal to 7