A mathematical application problem. To the formula! Fast forward heavy money urgently need 8:05 plus 20! There are six identical cylindrical columns in the hall, each of which is 5 meters high and the perimeter of the bottom is 3 meters. (1) if every kilogram of paint can be painted for 4 square meters, how many kilogram of paint do these columns need? (2) how many square meters do these columns cover? (3 for π)

A mathematical application problem. To the formula! Fast forward heavy money urgently need 8:05 plus 20! There are six identical cylindrical columns in the hall, each of which is 5 meters high and the perimeter of the bottom is 3 meters. (1) if every kilogram of paint can be painted for 4 square meters, how many kilogram of paint do these columns need? (2) how many square meters do these columns cover? (3 for π)

Only the paint side area is needed
Side area = 3 × 5 × 6 = 90 square meters
Paint required = 90 △ 4 = 22.5kg
Radius = 3 / 3 / 2 = 0.5m
Total floor area = 3 × 0.5 & # 178; × 6 = 4.5 square meters

Physics calculation problems need formulas,
1. There are 2.5kg of water in a 500g iron pot. How much heat do they need to absorb if they are raised by 30C? It is known that C iron = 0.46 times 10 cubic coke / kg ℃
2. In hot summer, factories often use ice to cool down. How much heat can a 20 kg ice block absorb from the surrounding environment when its temperature rises from - 20 ℃ to 0 ℃? It is known that C ice = 2.1 times 10 cubic coke / kg ℃. 3. Under a standard atmospheric pressure, water with a mass of 10 kg and an initial temperature of 20 ℃ absorbs 3.57 times 10 cubic coke, At most, how much can the temperature rise?

But the water boils at 100 degrees centigrade,
So it can rise to 100 ℃

Physical calculation problems (with process and formula)
5. The displacement of a ship is 3000t. How about the buoyancy when the ship is fully loaded?
6. The displacement of a ship is 6000m3. How about the buoyancy when the ship is fully loaded?
7. The speed of an object is 108km / h, how far can it go in 10min?
8. The distance between a and B is 30km, and it takes Xiaoming one hour to ride. What's the speed of Xiaoming's riding km / h? How many M / S?
9. Xiaoming takes a 2400m long tunnel with a speed of 60km / h. how long does it take to get through the tunnel?
10. When an object moves in a straight line with a horizontal uniform speed of 10m / s and the gravity of the vehicle is known to be 500N, how much is the frictional resistance of the vehicle?
11. There is a car with six wheels, each wheel's contact area with the ground is 200cm2, and the car's mass is 2T. When it carries 10t goods, how much pressure does the car put on the ground horizontally?

5. The ship is floating in the water, so f floating = g row = 3000t = 3000000kg = 3000000n6, f floating = g row = pwater, GV = 1000kg / m3 * 10N / kg * 6000m3 = 60000000n7, v = 108km / h = 1800m / min, t = 10min, s = VT = 1800 * 10 = 18000m8, v = s / T = 30 / 1 = 30km / h = 108m / S9

Physics calculation problem, formula
The air resistance of a ball with a mass force of 1 kg is always 0.2 n in the process of falling or rising vertically. The resultant forces of the ball in the process of falling and rising vertically are calculated

Gravity: g = mg = 1kg x 10N / kg = 10N, vertically downward
Resistance: F = 0.2N, the direction is opposite to the movement direction
(1) The ball is falling vertically: the resistance is upward, opposite to the direction of gravity, f = G-F = 10n-0.2n = 9.8N, and the direction is vertical downward
(2) The ball rises vertically: the resistance is downward, the same as the direction of gravity, f = G + F = 10N + 0.2N = 10.2n, the direction is vertical downward

Three consecutive even numbers, the largest even number is m, and the smallest even number is () and ()

Three continuous even numbers, the largest even number is m, the smallest even number is (M-4) and (3m-6)

The sum of three consecutive even numbers is 3a, where the largest number is ()
A、A-2 B、A C、A+2 D、A+4

These three numbers are A-2. A.A + 2
So the biggest one is a + 2
Note that it's a continuous even number!
It's not hard to notice that

The sum of three consecutive even numbers is 162. What are the three numbers

Even number in the middle: 162 / 3 = 54
The former and the latter: 54-2 = 52,54 + 2 = 56
Three numbers: 52, 54, 56

Is 0 the smallest even number
But teachers who use this textbook should know that the concept of even number in the textbook is that the multiples of 2 are called even numbers. When we go back to multiples and factors, we just say that we study multiples and factors in the scope of natural numbers (except zero). Since we say that multiples of 2 are not in our research scope, zero is not in our research scope, Is it even? It involves a lot of exercises and assignments. Thank you!


If the largest of the three consecutive even numbers is a, then the smallest is a
