Find 10 recursive equation, the question must be decimal, and the quality of the! Must be multi-step calculation! If equipped with answers, plus 100 points!

Find 10 recursive equation, the question must be decimal, and the quality of the! Must be multi-step calculation! If equipped with answers, plus 100 points!

0.8×[(10-6.76)÷1.2] 18.1×0.92+3.93 0.0430.24+0.875 0.4×0.7×0.25 0.75×102 100-56.23 0.78+5.436+1 4.07×0.86+9.12.5 194-64.8÷1.8×0.9 .(3.2×1.5+2.5)÷1.6 (2)3.2×(1.5+2.5)÷1.6 2.22×9.9...

There are four continuous natural numbers, the product of which is 11880. How to find these four numbers?

Because the product is 11880 and the number of digits is 0, we can see that the number of digits of one of the natural numbers is 0 or 5. We can assume that one of the natural numbers is 10, because 10 is the smallest natural number with zero digits. If it is 10, 11, 12 and 13, the product is 17160, which exceeds 11880. Therefore, if we change 9, 10, 11 and 12, then the product of the four natural numbers is 11880

Write several continuous natural numbers to make the product 15120

You can get the numbers very quickly