At the end of the product of these 51 natural numbers from 50 to 100, there are several consecutive o? At the end of the product of these 51 natural numbers from 50 to 100, there are several consecutive o? The answer is 14. How did you get it?

At the end of the product of these 51 natural numbers from 50 to 100, there are several consecutive o? At the end of the product of these 51 natural numbers from 50 to 100, there are several consecutive o? The answer is 14. How did you get it?

The 51 natural numbers from 50 to 99 have the multiples of 50, 55, 60 and 65.95, but there are more than 10 multiples of 2, so the number of 0 depends on the multiples of 5. Because 50 and 75 are multiples of 5 ^ 2 = 25, these two numbers can be regarded as multiples of 2 5, so there are 12 consecutive zeros at the end of the product of 50 to 99, plus

The age of four people is just a continuous natural number. The product of their ages is 11880. What are their ages?

Have you ever done factorial mathematics~
The number that can be made up of continuous numbers is:
Well, the answer is

If there are three continuous natural numbers, the minimum is a, what is the average of the three numbers?

If there are three continuous natural numbers, the minimum is a, then the average of the three numbers is a + 1