What are the rules of combining English letters into English words?

What are the rules of combining English letters into English words?

Use the English letters above to form words, horizontal or vertical
z b q p r r f b y u i s
m s p r i n g r o l l i
t a r i c a n d c e d n
h l w p h c s n a c k g
j a x i i a p n k a j a
a d f p c m a n e r u p
b j a p k n g n a c i o
r u v i e d h r o d c r
s q g n n g e c o k e e
o o n m e a t b a l l d
o a u s t r t l i a l s
p f i s h f i n g e r a
The more the better! Don't mess up the order, for example, the third letter of the last four vertical line and the last three can form a cake. Please just write out the words, and I'll find them myself. If all of them match, I'll give them points. Thank you!

Sorting letters into words
Can you sort the letters ceeeimnors into words? And cghilnot, aceehrrs, ddelpsu, adeiklssw, dehnrtu!

ceeeimnors: ceremonies
cghilnot: clothing
aceehrrs: reachers research searcher
ddelpsu: puddles
adeiklssw; sidewalks
dehnrtu; thunder
I found it on the Internet. Have a look

Combine words with all letters:
1,hytirt 2,ihrgt 3,eyard 4,tserte


Rearrange the following letters into words

Book store

Square area formula

Side length x side length, letter formula A & # 178; or AXA

Square area formula

Square area calculation formula square area = side length × side length s = a × a or: square area = diagonal × diagonal △ 2 s = diagonal × diagonal △ 2 in the same plane: a quadrilateral with four equal sides and one right angle is a square

Draw the largest square in a circle. The side length of the square is 2 mm. What is the area of the circle?

Because the square is the largest, the longest length in the square, that is, the diagonal length, is equal to the longest length in the circle, that is, the diameter of the circle is equal to 2 * root 2, and the radius is root 2, so the area of the circle is π r square = π * (root 2) square = 2 π

A parallelogram, cut it into a square, the perimeter of the square is 24 cm. What is the area of the parallelogram?


This is the last question on page 23 of the fifth grade knowledge and ability training. As shown in the figure below, the perimeter of the square in the middle is 24 cm. What is the area of the parallelogram

24 divided by 4 = 6,6 * 6 = 36

After a parallelogram is cut and complemented, it is a square. The perimeter of the square is 24 cm. How many square centimeters is the area of the parallelogram