What are the words of what and what type? Don't answer indiscriminately. Need something for daily use. The more the better

What are the words of what and what type? Don't answer indiscriminately. Need something for daily use. The more the better

Talking and laughing, big and round, long and thin
It's white, fat, fragrant, sweet, fragrant and crisp
White, tender, crying, sharp and thin
Thirsty and tired, tall and big and surprised
Jump and jump, tall and thin, big and red
It's thick, long, tall, strong, noisy and noisy
Talking and laughing, big and round, long and thin
It's white, fat, fragrant, sweet, fragrant and crisp
White, tender, crying, sharp and thin
Thirsty and tired, tall and big and surprised

According to the meaning of words (four words) a total of five questions
It is difficult to calculate the number of waves. It is difficult to describe the situation of running away after losing a battle. It is necessary to mobilize troops and dispatch generals(

The waves are rough
fly pellmell
deploy forces

Write a few words with the meaning of "Dao"
The word "Dao" means "say"

Speak slowly
Speak out
puncture a fallacy with one remark
All of the above Dao means to say

Write words according to their different meanings
1. Public condemnation ()
2. Public attitude ()
3. Reputation ()
1. Incomplete ()
2. The remaining ()
3. Ferocity ()

1. Denounce (denounce) publicly
2. Public attitude (statement)
3. Reputation (reputation)
1. Incomplete (incomplete)
2. Remaining (remnant)
3. Ferocious (ferocious)

Mathematics test questions of grade 6 Volume 1
Formula calculation, application, calculation (including simple calculation)

I want to do the test paper, so I hope you can't copy a few questions with the book or exercise book. Thank you

1. Fill in the blanks. 1. A suit, 840 yuan for the coat and 210 yuan for the trousers. The price of the trousers is ()% of that of the coat. 2. From school to the Cultural Palace, it takes 20 minutes for a and 16 minutes for B

Sixth grade volume I math questions with answers

1. There are (100) 1% in 1
2. The total number of fruit trees in the orchard is divided into 100 parts, of which 27 are peach trees, accounting for (27)%
3. 4 is less than 5 (20)%, 5 is more than 4 (25)%
5. The turnover of a hotel in September is 78000 yuan. If you pay business tax according to 5% of the turnover, you should pay (3900) yuan in September
6. A 90% discount on a TV is (98)% of the original price
7. There are 20 boys and 30 girls. Boys account for (40)%
8. A road has been built for 75 meters. There are still 25 meters left to be repaired. What has been repaired is (300)%
9. With 1300 kg beet, 156 kg sugar can be squeezed, and the sugar content of beet is (12)%
2、 Judge
1. The germination rate of 110 seeds is 110%
2. A section of highway with a length of 100 meters has been built, and 80 meters have been completed, accounting for 80% of the total length
3. 102 parts are processed, all of them are qualified, and the qualified rate is 100%
4. A is 20 yuan less than B, which means B is 25% more than a
5. The price of a commodity increased by 10%, then decreased by 10%, and finally changed
3、 Choose to fill in the blanks
1. A bag of flour, with 40%, the remaining bag of flour (b)
A. 40% B, 60% C, 60 tons D. not sure
2. Dissolve 25 grams of salt in 100 grams of water. The weight of salt accounts for (a) of the weight of brine
A、20% B、25% C、100% D、125%
3. There are 100 fourth grade students who have reached the sports standard and 25 students who have not
A、25% B、125% C、75% D、80%
4. In the first half of this month, a factory completed 75% of the plan and 50% of the plan in the second half of this month
1. Xiaolijia's electricity consumption in April was 40 degrees, which was 10 degrees less than that in March
A、80% B、50% C、40% D、20%
4、 Turn the following numbers into percentages
0.4=40% 0.05=5% 1=100% 0.75=75% 1.2=120%
5、 Turn the following numbers into percentages
1/2=50% 3/20=15% 3/4=75% 5/9≈55.6% 4/25=16%
6、 Convert the following percentages to decimals or integers
45%=0.45 3.9%=0.039 200%=2 150%=1.5 0.3%=0.003
7、 Calculation, can be simple to use a simple method of calculation
3/4×4/7+3/4×3/7 7.5×(10-5/8÷5/16)
=3/4×(4/7+3/7) =7.5×(10-5/8×16/5)
=3/4 =7.5×8
3.6×56+3.6×44 (5/6+5/8)×4/25
=3.6×(56+44) =5/6×4/25+5/8×4/25
=3.6×100 =2/15+1/10
=360 =7/30
8、 1. 200 peanut seeds were tested for germination. The results showed that 196 seeds germinated
=98% a:
2. The upstream village planted 850 trees last year, 96% of them survived. How many survived?
96% × 850 = 816 (trees)
3. The length of a road is 200 km, and 120 km has been built. How many percent more has been built than the one not built?
200-120 = 80 (trees) (120-80) △ 80
4. The school bought 450 books, of which 15% are comic books, 27% are science and technology books, and the rest are literature and art books. How many are literature and art books?
15% + 27% = 42% 450 × 42% = 189 (copies) 450-189 = 261 (copies)
5. The gifted men's clothing store has a seasonal promotion. The original price of each short sleeve shirt is 100 yuan, but now it's 20% off. Xiaoli bought three pieces, how much did it cost?
100 × 80% × 3 = 240 yuan
6. For a story book, Ma read 20% of the total pages on the first day and 25% on the second day. He read 72 pages in two days. How many pages is the story book?
72 ÷ (20% + 25%) = 160 (pages)
7. Xiaohua went to the store to buy toys. He bought a physical doll, and when he checked out, he could get 20% discount by using a discount card. As a result, he saved 12.4 yuan. What was the original price of the doll?
20% discount = 0.81-0.8 = 0.212.4 △ 0.2 = 62 (yuan)

Fill in the blanks (area of the circle) in sixth grade mathematics
1. The circumference of a circle is 37.68cm, the radius is (), and the area is ()
2. The outer radius of a ring part is 4cm, the inner radius is 2cm, and the area of the part is ()
3. A ring, its inner circle circumference is 31.4dm, outer circle diameter is 24dm, ring area is ()
The best explanation is how to calculate

1. The circumference of a circle is 37.68cm, the radius is (6cm), and the area is (113.04 square cm). Use 37.68g3.14/2 to calculate 6, and then use 6 * 6 * 3.142. The outer radius of a ring part is 4cm, the inner radius is 2cm, and the area of the part is (37.68square cm)

How to write the area review of the circle in the sixth grade of mathematics

1. Remember the formula of circle area: square of radius * 3.14
2. Know the diameter of the circle and find the area of the circle,
3. Know the area of a circle and find its diameter and radius

Given that the area of a square is 20 square decimeters, then how many square decimeters is the area of a square inscribed circle

Let the side length of a square be X
Then the square area X ^ 2 = 20
Then the area of the inner garden is: