Use the above three words to describe the situation when a person is running fast

Use the above three words to describe the situation when a person is running fast

Speed, speed, two ears of wind, stepping on the wheel of wind and fire

We should learn Chinese well and English well

We should learn both Chinese and English well

We need to learn to use our brain. We need to learn to use our hands. We need to combine two sentences into one with relevant words

We should learn to use our brains as well as our hands
We should not only learn to use our brain, but also learn to use our hands

The area of a square is 3 square centimeters, a vertex of a square is the center of the circle, and the side length is the radius. Draw a circle and find the

Area of the circle? If so, then
Side length of square = √ 3
Area of circle = 3.14 * (√ 3) ^ 2 = 9.42 square centimeter

If the perimeter of a square and a circle is equal to 1 meter, what is the ratio of their areas
mathematical problem

Square area: 1 / 4 * 1 / 4 = 1 / 16
Area of circle: 3.14 * (1 / 3.14 / 2) ^ 2 = 1 / (3.14 * 4)
Area ratio of a square to a circle: 3.14:4

How to find the area formula of inscribed square

Divide the area of the circle by 3.14 times 2

How to find the area of a semicircle in a rectangle or square. It's best to give a formula

The area of a circle is π R ^ 2
Which side of a rectangle is the radius, R
The side length of a square is r
The semicircle is 1 / 2 π R ^ 2

Draw the largest square in a circle. The area of the square is AC m2. How much is the area of the circle

Let x cm be the side length of a square
Then, X & # 178; = a, that is, x = √ a
In this case, the diagonal l of the square is the diameter of the circle D, X & # 178; + X & # 178; = L & # 178;, and the solution is d = L = a √ 2 cm
The radius of the circle is r = D / 2 = (a √ 2) / 2 cm
The area of the circle is: S = π R & # 178; = π * A & # 178; / 2 cm & # 178;

Area formula of triangle, square, parallelogram, diamond and circle

Triangle: bottom * height / 2
Square: side length * side length
Parallelogram: base * height
Diamond: 1, with the "parallelogram" 2, diagonal multiplication and division by two
Circle: the square of radius multiplied by π

The outer circle radius of a ring iron sheet is 2.5cm, the ring skin width is 0.5cm, and the area of the iron sheet is () square decimeter

Inner radius = 2.5-0.5 = 2 cm
Area = 2.5 × 2.5 × 3.14-2 × 2 × 3.14 = 7.065 square centimeter = 0.07065 square decimeter