Choose five of the following words and write a coherent passage Generous, Zhang Huang, struggling, calm, mang ran, as always, exhortation, doubt, angry eyes,

Choose five of the following words and write a coherent passage Generous, Zhang Huang, struggling, calm, mang ran, as always, exhortation, doubt, angry eyes,

Seeing that his son ran away, he no longer struggled with arrogance and his eyes were not at a loss. He calmly looked at the executioner in front of him and regained his usual calm

Choose three to five words from the following words to form a coherent paragraph, about 50 words
Admonishment sobbing, nahan staring, startled, cautious, dizzy

This was the first time he took a scalpel - inevitably nervous. He thought of his tutor's admonition: calm down!
He was scared to see the bright red blood. Although he had worked as a doctor's assistant before, he was still a little dizzy. Taking a deep breath, he thought that the patient's family was still sobbing outside the door, and he thought of his dream. Finally, he stabilized and began the operation

Please choose three of the following words to make the last paragraph coherent
Concentrate on the martial arts, enjoy the fight, and enjoy the charming jewels

The fight was wonderful and the audience was satisfied to enjoy it

Choose any four of the five words to form a coherent paragraph. Requirements: ① Please add "△" under the selected words; ② within 60 words
These five words are:
Quiet and light, lingering, extraordinary spirit
Hope to answer faster, this is the first language volume of junior high school, I want to finish it quickly

Quiet, light and lingering
On the quiet field, walking with light steps, wandering on all the paths, looking at the rolling mountains in the distance, I feel refreshed and forget all the worries in the morning

The perimeter of a rectangular lawn is 30m. If its length and width are increased by 2m, what is the current area and perimeter

The perimeter of a rectangular lawn is 30m
2 (length + width) = 30
Length + width = 15
If its length and width are increased by 2m, what is its current area
(L + 2) (W + 2) = L * W + 2 (L + W) + 4 = L * W + 34
34 square meters larger than the original
What is the circumference
2 (L + 2 + W + 2) = 2 (L + W) + 8 = 38m
[step by step] the team will answer the questions for you,

If you subtract the largest circle from a square with a side length of 8 cm, how many square centimeters is the area of the circle and how many square centimeters is the area of the remaining part?

Circle area (8 / 2) ^ 2tt = 49.6
Remaining area 8 ^ 2-49.6 = 14,4

Cut the largest circle in a square iron sheet with a side length of 2 decimeters. What is the area of the circle?
first aid

The radius of the garden is 1dm
Area 1x1x3.14 = 3.14

Master Wang, the worker, cut the largest round iron sheet on a square iron sheet. The area of the cut iron sheet is 12.9 square decimeters, so how much is the round area
Less square decimeter? (want formula, not equation!

12.9 ÷ (4-3.14) × 3.14 = 47.1 square decimeter

Master Wang, the worker, cut the largest round sheet on a square sheet. The area of the sheet is 12.9 square decimeters?

Analysis: assuming that the side length of the square is a decimeter, then the radius of the largest circle is (A / 2) decimeter, then the area cut is: a × a-3.14 × (A / 2) × (A / 2) = a × a-3.14 × a × a × 1 / 4 = a × a × (1-3.14 / 4) = 12.9, a × a = 12.9 △ (1-3.14 / 4)
=60 (square decimeter)

Cut a square sheet of iron with a side length of 28 cm into the largest circle. How many square centimeters is the area cut?
Use the formula to solve the problem

What is the radius of the circle
28 △ 2 = 14 cm
What is the area of a circle
14 × 14 × 3.14 = 615.44 square centimeter
What is the area of a square
28 × 28 = 784 square centimeter
What's the cut area
784-615.44 = 168.56 square centimeter