As shown in the figure, Y1 = | x |, y2 = 1 / 3 x + 4 / 3, when Y1 > Y2 The value range of X is (); The known functions are: ① y = 0.2x + 6; ② y = - X-7; ③ y = 4-2x; ④ y = - x; ⑤ y = 4x; ⑥ y = - (2-x), where the value of Y increases with the increase of X_____________ The function that the value of Y decreases with the increase of X is________________ The function of the image passing through the origin is_____________ (fill in serial number)

As shown in the figure, Y1 = | x |, y2 = 1 / 3 x + 4 / 3, when Y1 > Y2 The value range of X is (); The known functions are: ① y = 0.2x + 6; ② y = - X-7; ③ y = 4-2x; ④ y = - x; ⑤ y = 4x; ⑥ y = - (2-x), where the value of Y increases with the increase of X_____________ The function that the value of Y decreases with the increase of X is________________ The function of the image passing through the origin is_____________ (fill in serial number)

When x ≥ 0
When XX / 3 + 4 / 3

Write out the coordinates of the point P (1,3, - 5) about the symmetric point of the origin and about the X axis

About the origin:
About the x-axis:

Given that point P is in the third quadrant, the distance between point P and x-axis is 2, and the distance between point P and y-axis is 3, find the symmetric point and direction of point P about the line y = 3
Given that point P is in the third quadrant, the distance between point P and X axis is 2, and the distance between point P and Y axis is 3, the coordinates of the symmetric point of point P about the line y = 3 and the symmetric point about the line x = - 1 are obtained

The known P (- 3, - 2)
Symmetric with the line y = 3, the abscissa of the point is - 3, and the ordinate is (| - 2 | + 3) + 3 = 8
Then the obtained point is (- 3,8)
For the line x = - 1, the ordinate is - 2
If the distance from P to x = - 1 is 2, the abscissa is 2 - | - 1 | = 1
The obtained points are (1, - 2)